
Showing posts from April 13, 2019

Poynter Col Kjelder | Navigasjonsmeny63°49′S 59°7′W63°49′S 59°7′W«Poynter Col»GeoNames

Fjellovergangar i Graham LandDavis Coast Poynter HillIvory PinnaclesGraham LandKapp KjellmanFalkland Islands Dependencies SurveyUnited Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee Koordinatar: 63°49′S 59°7′W  Poynter Col fjellovergang Land   Antarktis Grensar til Poynter Hill, Ivory Pinnacles Stad Graham Land  - høgd 700 moh.  - koordinatar 63°49′S 59°7′W  Administrert under Antarktistraktaten Poynter Col (Antarktis) Poynter Col er eit snødekt skard, over 700 meter over havet, mellom Poynter Hill og Ivory Pinnacles nord i Graham Land. Skardet er 9 nautiske mil (17 km) aust-søraust for Kapp Kjellman. Det vart kartlagd av Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS) i 1948. Det vart namngjeve av United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee (UK-APC) etter plasseringa ved Poynter Hill. Kjelder |  Denne artikkelen inneheld stoff som er offentleg eige frå United States Geological Survey-artikkelen «Poynte...

Program that generates brainfuck code that outputs given text The 2019 Stack Overflow...

Does Parliament need to approve the new Brexit delay to 31 October 2019? How did passengers keep warm on sail ships? First use of “packing” as in carrying a gun Program that generates brainfuck code that outputs given text What aspect of planet Earth must be changed to prevent the industrial revolution? does high air pressure throw off wheel balance? How do you keep chess fun when your opponent constantly beats you? How to colour the US map with Yellow, Green, Red and Blue to minimize the number of states with the colour of Green Didn't get enough time to take a Coding Test - what to do now? Wolves and sheep ...