Simulation of a banking system with an Account class in C++ The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer...

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Simulation of a banking system with an Account class in C++
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I have been learning C++ and recently I have started practicing classes. I made this simulation of a banking system with an Account class. I would like to hear feedback on my code, what is good - what I should keep doing, and especially what I should pay more attention to, or if you have any suggestion on how to simplify parts of the code, make it more readable because I feel this could be improved. Also, I would like to hear comments on exception handling, since I am quite new to that as well. Thank you all in advance, I will do my best to implement any of your suggestions.
#ifndef ACCOUNT.H
#define ACCOUNT.H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Account{
std::string name;
int id;
double balance;
std::string getName() const;
int getId() const;
double getBalance() const;
void setName(std::string);
void setID(int);
void setBalance(double);
void addAccount (Account);
void withdraw(double);
void deposit(double);
static std::vector<Account> accountDatabase;
#endif // ACCOUNT
#include "Account.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
name = "";
id = 0;
balance = 0;
std::vector<Account> Account::accountDatabase;
void Account::addAccount(Account account){
std::string Account::getName() const{
return name;
int Account::getId() const{
return id;
double Account::getBalance() const{
return balance;
void Account::setName(std::string userName){
name = userName;
void Account::setID(int newId){
if (newId < 1)
throw "ntttt ~ ID cannot be zero or negative ~";
for (int i = 0; i < accountDatabase.size(); i++)
if (newId == accountDatabase[i].getId())
throw "ntttt~ Entered ID is already in use ~";
id = newId;
void Account::setBalance(double newBalance){
if (newBalance < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Balance cannot be negative ~";
balance = newBalance;
void Account::withdraw(double amount){
if (amount < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Withdrawal amount cannot be negative ~";
balance -= amount;
void Account::deposit(double amount){
if (amount < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Amount for deposit cannot be negative ~";
balance += amount;
#include <iostream>
#include "Account.h"
#include <string>
void printMenu(){
std::cout << "n" << R"(
Please select one of the following options:
1. Create an account
2. Check balance
3. Withdraw
4. Deposit
5. Account summary
6. Make a transaction
7. Exit
)" << "ntttt--> ";
// get a valid input
template<typename Type>
void getInput(Type &value){
while (true){
std::cin >> value;
if ({
std::cin.ignore(100, 'n');
std::cout << "nttttt~ Invalid input ~"
<< "ntttt--> Enter again: ";
else {
// find account in account database and return index of that account
int findAccount (int id){
for (int i = 0; i < Account::accountDatabase.size(); i++)
if (id == Account::accountDatabase[i].getId()) return i;
return -1;
void createAccount (){
Account newAccount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your name: ";
std::string name;
std::getline(std::cin, name);
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
int id;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your balance: ";
double balance;
// add account to the database
std::cout << "ntttt~ Your account has been successfully created ~n";
void MenuSelection(){
int option = 1, account, id;
while (option != 7){
switch (option){
case 1: createAccount();break;
// check balance
case 2:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else std::cout << "ntttt--> Your balance: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance();
} break;
// withdraw money
case 3:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter amount to withdraw: ";
double withdrawalAmount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
if (Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() >= withdrawalAmount){
std::cout << "ntttt~ Amount successfully withdrawn ~n";
else std::cout << "nttt~ Withdrawal not successful - check the state of balance ~n";
} break;
// deposit money
case 4:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter amount to deposit: ";
double depositAmount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
std::cout << "ntttt-->~ Amount successfully deposited ~n";
} break;
// print account summary
case 5:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else std::cout << "nntttt~ ACCOUNT SUMMARY ~n"
<< "ntttt--> Name: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getName()
<< "ntttt--> ID: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getId()
<< "ntttt--> Balance: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() << "n";
} break;
// make a transaction
case 6:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Do you wish to withdraw or deposit? (w/d): ";
char choice;
std::cin >> choice;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter transaction amount: ";
double amount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter ID of the transaction account: ";
int secondAccount = findAccount(id);
if (secondAccount == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
bool transactionPerformed = false;
if (tolower(choice) == 'w' && Account::accountDatabase[secondAccount].getBalance() >= amount){
transactionPerformed = true;
else if (tolower(choice) == 'd' && Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() >= amount){
transactionPerformed = true;
if (!transactionPerformed) std::cout << "ntttt~ Transaction not successful ~n";
else std::cout << "ntttt~ Transaction successfully completed ~n";
catch (const char* msg){
std::cerr << msg;
while (option < 1 || option > 7){
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter a valid option (1-7): ";
std::cout << R"(
int main(){
std::cout << R"(
~ W E L C O M E T O O U R B A N K ~
return 0;
c++ beginner object-oriented error-handling vectors
add a comment |
I have been learning C++ and recently I have started practicing classes. I made this simulation of a banking system with an Account class. I would like to hear feedback on my code, what is good - what I should keep doing, and especially what I should pay more attention to, or if you have any suggestion on how to simplify parts of the code, make it more readable because I feel this could be improved. Also, I would like to hear comments on exception handling, since I am quite new to that as well. Thank you all in advance, I will do my best to implement any of your suggestions.
#ifndef ACCOUNT.H
#define ACCOUNT.H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Account{
std::string name;
int id;
double balance;
std::string getName() const;
int getId() const;
double getBalance() const;
void setName(std::string);
void setID(int);
void setBalance(double);
void addAccount (Account);
void withdraw(double);
void deposit(double);
static std::vector<Account> accountDatabase;
#endif // ACCOUNT
#include "Account.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
name = "";
id = 0;
balance = 0;
std::vector<Account> Account::accountDatabase;
void Account::addAccount(Account account){
std::string Account::getName() const{
return name;
int Account::getId() const{
return id;
double Account::getBalance() const{
return balance;
void Account::setName(std::string userName){
name = userName;
void Account::setID(int newId){
if (newId < 1)
throw "ntttt ~ ID cannot be zero or negative ~";
for (int i = 0; i < accountDatabase.size(); i++)
if (newId == accountDatabase[i].getId())
throw "ntttt~ Entered ID is already in use ~";
id = newId;
void Account::setBalance(double newBalance){
if (newBalance < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Balance cannot be negative ~";
balance = newBalance;
void Account::withdraw(double amount){
if (amount < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Withdrawal amount cannot be negative ~";
balance -= amount;
void Account::deposit(double amount){
if (amount < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Amount for deposit cannot be negative ~";
balance += amount;
#include <iostream>
#include "Account.h"
#include <string>
void printMenu(){
std::cout << "n" << R"(
Please select one of the following options:
1. Create an account
2. Check balance
3. Withdraw
4. Deposit
5. Account summary
6. Make a transaction
7. Exit
)" << "ntttt--> ";
// get a valid input
template<typename Type>
void getInput(Type &value){
while (true){
std::cin >> value;
if ({
std::cin.ignore(100, 'n');
std::cout << "nttttt~ Invalid input ~"
<< "ntttt--> Enter again: ";
else {
// find account in account database and return index of that account
int findAccount (int id){
for (int i = 0; i < Account::accountDatabase.size(); i++)
if (id == Account::accountDatabase[i].getId()) return i;
return -1;
void createAccount (){
Account newAccount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your name: ";
std::string name;
std::getline(std::cin, name);
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
int id;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your balance: ";
double balance;
// add account to the database
std::cout << "ntttt~ Your account has been successfully created ~n";
void MenuSelection(){
int option = 1, account, id;
while (option != 7){
switch (option){
case 1: createAccount();break;
// check balance
case 2:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else std::cout << "ntttt--> Your balance: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance();
} break;
// withdraw money
case 3:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter amount to withdraw: ";
double withdrawalAmount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
if (Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() >= withdrawalAmount){
std::cout << "ntttt~ Amount successfully withdrawn ~n";
else std::cout << "nttt~ Withdrawal not successful - check the state of balance ~n";
} break;
// deposit money
case 4:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter amount to deposit: ";
double depositAmount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
std::cout << "ntttt-->~ Amount successfully deposited ~n";
} break;
// print account summary
case 5:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else std::cout << "nntttt~ ACCOUNT SUMMARY ~n"
<< "ntttt--> Name: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getName()
<< "ntttt--> ID: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getId()
<< "ntttt--> Balance: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() << "n";
} break;
// make a transaction
case 6:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Do you wish to withdraw or deposit? (w/d): ";
char choice;
std::cin >> choice;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter transaction amount: ";
double amount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter ID of the transaction account: ";
int secondAccount = findAccount(id);
if (secondAccount == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
bool transactionPerformed = false;
if (tolower(choice) == 'w' && Account::accountDatabase[secondAccount].getBalance() >= amount){
transactionPerformed = true;
else if (tolower(choice) == 'd' && Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() >= amount){
transactionPerformed = true;
if (!transactionPerformed) std::cout << "ntttt~ Transaction not successful ~n";
else std::cout << "ntttt~ Transaction successfully completed ~n";
catch (const char* msg){
std::cerr << msg;
while (option < 1 || option > 7){
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter a valid option (1-7): ";
std::cout << R"(
int main(){
std::cout << R"(
~ W E L C O M E T O O U R B A N K ~
return 0;
c++ beginner object-oriented error-handling vectors
add a comment |
I have been learning C++ and recently I have started practicing classes. I made this simulation of a banking system with an Account class. I would like to hear feedback on my code, what is good - what I should keep doing, and especially what I should pay more attention to, or if you have any suggestion on how to simplify parts of the code, make it more readable because I feel this could be improved. Also, I would like to hear comments on exception handling, since I am quite new to that as well. Thank you all in advance, I will do my best to implement any of your suggestions.
#ifndef ACCOUNT.H
#define ACCOUNT.H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Account{
std::string name;
int id;
double balance;
std::string getName() const;
int getId() const;
double getBalance() const;
void setName(std::string);
void setID(int);
void setBalance(double);
void addAccount (Account);
void withdraw(double);
void deposit(double);
static std::vector<Account> accountDatabase;
#endif // ACCOUNT
#include "Account.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
name = "";
id = 0;
balance = 0;
std::vector<Account> Account::accountDatabase;
void Account::addAccount(Account account){
std::string Account::getName() const{
return name;
int Account::getId() const{
return id;
double Account::getBalance() const{
return balance;
void Account::setName(std::string userName){
name = userName;
void Account::setID(int newId){
if (newId < 1)
throw "ntttt ~ ID cannot be zero or negative ~";
for (int i = 0; i < accountDatabase.size(); i++)
if (newId == accountDatabase[i].getId())
throw "ntttt~ Entered ID is already in use ~";
id = newId;
void Account::setBalance(double newBalance){
if (newBalance < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Balance cannot be negative ~";
balance = newBalance;
void Account::withdraw(double amount){
if (amount < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Withdrawal amount cannot be negative ~";
balance -= amount;
void Account::deposit(double amount){
if (amount < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Amount for deposit cannot be negative ~";
balance += amount;
#include <iostream>
#include "Account.h"
#include <string>
void printMenu(){
std::cout << "n" << R"(
Please select one of the following options:
1. Create an account
2. Check balance
3. Withdraw
4. Deposit
5. Account summary
6. Make a transaction
7. Exit
)" << "ntttt--> ";
// get a valid input
template<typename Type>
void getInput(Type &value){
while (true){
std::cin >> value;
if ({
std::cin.ignore(100, 'n');
std::cout << "nttttt~ Invalid input ~"
<< "ntttt--> Enter again: ";
else {
// find account in account database and return index of that account
int findAccount (int id){
for (int i = 0; i < Account::accountDatabase.size(); i++)
if (id == Account::accountDatabase[i].getId()) return i;
return -1;
void createAccount (){
Account newAccount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your name: ";
std::string name;
std::getline(std::cin, name);
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
int id;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your balance: ";
double balance;
// add account to the database
std::cout << "ntttt~ Your account has been successfully created ~n";
void MenuSelection(){
int option = 1, account, id;
while (option != 7){
switch (option){
case 1: createAccount();break;
// check balance
case 2:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else std::cout << "ntttt--> Your balance: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance();
} break;
// withdraw money
case 3:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter amount to withdraw: ";
double withdrawalAmount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
if (Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() >= withdrawalAmount){
std::cout << "ntttt~ Amount successfully withdrawn ~n";
else std::cout << "nttt~ Withdrawal not successful - check the state of balance ~n";
} break;
// deposit money
case 4:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter amount to deposit: ";
double depositAmount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
std::cout << "ntttt-->~ Amount successfully deposited ~n";
} break;
// print account summary
case 5:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else std::cout << "nntttt~ ACCOUNT SUMMARY ~n"
<< "ntttt--> Name: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getName()
<< "ntttt--> ID: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getId()
<< "ntttt--> Balance: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() << "n";
} break;
// make a transaction
case 6:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Do you wish to withdraw or deposit? (w/d): ";
char choice;
std::cin >> choice;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter transaction amount: ";
double amount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter ID of the transaction account: ";
int secondAccount = findAccount(id);
if (secondAccount == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
bool transactionPerformed = false;
if (tolower(choice) == 'w' && Account::accountDatabase[secondAccount].getBalance() >= amount){
transactionPerformed = true;
else if (tolower(choice) == 'd' && Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() >= amount){
transactionPerformed = true;
if (!transactionPerformed) std::cout << "ntttt~ Transaction not successful ~n";
else std::cout << "ntttt~ Transaction successfully completed ~n";
catch (const char* msg){
std::cerr << msg;
while (option < 1 || option > 7){
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter a valid option (1-7): ";
std::cout << R"(
int main(){
std::cout << R"(
~ W E L C O M E T O O U R B A N K ~
return 0;
c++ beginner object-oriented error-handling vectors
I have been learning C++ and recently I have started practicing classes. I made this simulation of a banking system with an Account class. I would like to hear feedback on my code, what is good - what I should keep doing, and especially what I should pay more attention to, or if you have any suggestion on how to simplify parts of the code, make it more readable because I feel this could be improved. Also, I would like to hear comments on exception handling, since I am quite new to that as well. Thank you all in advance, I will do my best to implement any of your suggestions.
#ifndef ACCOUNT.H
#define ACCOUNT.H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Account{
std::string name;
int id;
double balance;
std::string getName() const;
int getId() const;
double getBalance() const;
void setName(std::string);
void setID(int);
void setBalance(double);
void addAccount (Account);
void withdraw(double);
void deposit(double);
static std::vector<Account> accountDatabase;
#endif // ACCOUNT
#include "Account.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
name = "";
id = 0;
balance = 0;
std::vector<Account> Account::accountDatabase;
void Account::addAccount(Account account){
std::string Account::getName() const{
return name;
int Account::getId() const{
return id;
double Account::getBalance() const{
return balance;
void Account::setName(std::string userName){
name = userName;
void Account::setID(int newId){
if (newId < 1)
throw "ntttt ~ ID cannot be zero or negative ~";
for (int i = 0; i < accountDatabase.size(); i++)
if (newId == accountDatabase[i].getId())
throw "ntttt~ Entered ID is already in use ~";
id = newId;
void Account::setBalance(double newBalance){
if (newBalance < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Balance cannot be negative ~";
balance = newBalance;
void Account::withdraw(double amount){
if (amount < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Withdrawal amount cannot be negative ~";
balance -= amount;
void Account::deposit(double amount){
if (amount < 0)
throw "ntttt ~ Amount for deposit cannot be negative ~";
balance += amount;
#include <iostream>
#include "Account.h"
#include <string>
void printMenu(){
std::cout << "n" << R"(
Please select one of the following options:
1. Create an account
2. Check balance
3. Withdraw
4. Deposit
5. Account summary
6. Make a transaction
7. Exit
)" << "ntttt--> ";
// get a valid input
template<typename Type>
void getInput(Type &value){
while (true){
std::cin >> value;
if ({
std::cin.ignore(100, 'n');
std::cout << "nttttt~ Invalid input ~"
<< "ntttt--> Enter again: ";
else {
// find account in account database and return index of that account
int findAccount (int id){
for (int i = 0; i < Account::accountDatabase.size(); i++)
if (id == Account::accountDatabase[i].getId()) return i;
return -1;
void createAccount (){
Account newAccount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your name: ";
std::string name;
std::getline(std::cin, name);
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
int id;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your balance: ";
double balance;
// add account to the database
std::cout << "ntttt~ Your account has been successfully created ~n";
void MenuSelection(){
int option = 1, account, id;
while (option != 7){
switch (option){
case 1: createAccount();break;
// check balance
case 2:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else std::cout << "ntttt--> Your balance: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance();
} break;
// withdraw money
case 3:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter amount to withdraw: ";
double withdrawalAmount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
if (Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() >= withdrawalAmount){
std::cout << "ntttt~ Amount successfully withdrawn ~n";
else std::cout << "nttt~ Withdrawal not successful - check the state of balance ~n";
} break;
// deposit money
case 4:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter amount to deposit: ";
double depositAmount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
std::cout << "ntttt-->~ Amount successfully deposited ~n";
} break;
// print account summary
case 5:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else std::cout << "nntttt~ ACCOUNT SUMMARY ~n"
<< "ntttt--> Name: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getName()
<< "ntttt--> ID: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getId()
<< "ntttt--> Balance: " << Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() << "n";
} break;
// make a transaction
case 6:{
std::cout << "ntttt--> Do you wish to withdraw or deposit? (w/d): ";
char choice;
std::cin >> choice;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Enter transaction amount: ";
double amount;
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
if (account == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter ID of the transaction account: ";
int secondAccount = findAccount(id);
if (secondAccount == -1) std::cout << "ntttt~ ID does not match any in the database ~n";
else {
bool transactionPerformed = false;
if (tolower(choice) == 'w' && Account::accountDatabase[secondAccount].getBalance() >= amount){
transactionPerformed = true;
else if (tolower(choice) == 'd' && Account::accountDatabase[account].getBalance() >= amount){
transactionPerformed = true;
if (!transactionPerformed) std::cout << "ntttt~ Transaction not successful ~n";
else std::cout << "ntttt~ Transaction successfully completed ~n";
catch (const char* msg){
std::cerr << msg;
while (option < 1 || option > 7){
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter a valid option (1-7): ";
std::cout << R"(
int main(){
std::cout << R"(
~ W E L C O M E T O O U R B A N K ~
return 0;
c++ beginner object-oriented error-handling vectors
c++ beginner object-oriented error-handling vectors
asked 4 hours ago
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1 Answer
I have a few suggestions:
is everywhere, move it into a function which takes and returns a string, and prepends whatever string it is given with this format - the benefit of this is that if you change your formatting in the future, you only need to do it in one place.- Getting the user to enter their ID is a common operation, so put this logic all in one place. i.e.
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
Should be lopped out into its own function, again for the same reason - if the way you want to do it changes, you only need to do it in one place! - Move the code within each case block into its own function, e.g for
case 2
, just make a function calledcheckBalance
which does exactly that. Call it from the case block (similar to how you have done forcase 1
). The comments already hint at what each block does, but the whole of the switch/case statement is quite a lot of code! - The way you look up accounts is a little confusing and potentially inefficient for large numbers of accounts, I would use a map ( with the key being the ID.
I hope this is enough to get you on your way, if you give this another stab then I'm happy to take another look!
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1 Answer
1 Answer
I have a few suggestions:
is everywhere, move it into a function which takes and returns a string, and prepends whatever string it is given with this format - the benefit of this is that if you change your formatting in the future, you only need to do it in one place.- Getting the user to enter their ID is a common operation, so put this logic all in one place. i.e.
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
Should be lopped out into its own function, again for the same reason - if the way you want to do it changes, you only need to do it in one place! - Move the code within each case block into its own function, e.g for
case 2
, just make a function calledcheckBalance
which does exactly that. Call it from the case block (similar to how you have done forcase 1
). The comments already hint at what each block does, but the whole of the switch/case statement is quite a lot of code! - The way you look up accounts is a little confusing and potentially inefficient for large numbers of accounts, I would use a map ( with the key being the ID.
I hope this is enough to get you on your way, if you give this another stab then I'm happy to take another look!
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I have a few suggestions:
is everywhere, move it into a function which takes and returns a string, and prepends whatever string it is given with this format - the benefit of this is that if you change your formatting in the future, you only need to do it in one place.- Getting the user to enter their ID is a common operation, so put this logic all in one place. i.e.
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
Should be lopped out into its own function, again for the same reason - if the way you want to do it changes, you only need to do it in one place! - Move the code within each case block into its own function, e.g for
case 2
, just make a function calledcheckBalance
which does exactly that. Call it from the case block (similar to how you have done forcase 1
). The comments already hint at what each block does, but the whole of the switch/case statement is quite a lot of code! - The way you look up accounts is a little confusing and potentially inefficient for large numbers of accounts, I would use a map ( with the key being the ID.
I hope this is enough to get you on your way, if you give this another stab then I'm happy to take another look!
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I have a few suggestions:
is everywhere, move it into a function which takes and returns a string, and prepends whatever string it is given with this format - the benefit of this is that if you change your formatting in the future, you only need to do it in one place.- Getting the user to enter their ID is a common operation, so put this logic all in one place. i.e.
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
Should be lopped out into its own function, again for the same reason - if the way you want to do it changes, you only need to do it in one place! - Move the code within each case block into its own function, e.g for
case 2
, just make a function calledcheckBalance
which does exactly that. Call it from the case block (similar to how you have done forcase 1
). The comments already hint at what each block does, but the whole of the switch/case statement is quite a lot of code! - The way you look up accounts is a little confusing and potentially inefficient for large numbers of accounts, I would use a map ( with the key being the ID.
I hope this is enough to get you on your way, if you give this another stab then I'm happy to take another look!
I have a few suggestions:
is everywhere, move it into a function which takes and returns a string, and prepends whatever string it is given with this format - the benefit of this is that if you change your formatting in the future, you only need to do it in one place.- Getting the user to enter their ID is a common operation, so put this logic all in one place. i.e.
std::cout << "ntttt--> Please enter your ID: ";
account = findAccount(id);
Should be lopped out into its own function, again for the same reason - if the way you want to do it changes, you only need to do it in one place! - Move the code within each case block into its own function, e.g for
case 2
, just make a function calledcheckBalance
which does exactly that. Call it from the case block (similar to how you have done forcase 1
). The comments already hint at what each block does, but the whole of the switch/case statement is quite a lot of code! - The way you look up accounts is a little confusing and potentially inefficient for large numbers of accounts, I would use a map ( with the key being the ID.
I hope this is enough to get you on your way, if you give this another stab then I'm happy to take another look!
answered 3 hours ago
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