How to edit “Name” property in GCI output? The Next CEO of Stack OverflowParse contig.exe...

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How to edit “Name” property in GCI output?

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# Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
# powershell 5.1.17134.48
# dir directory. Include index*,avail* where the last write time is less than
# 4 days. Display a parsed Name. Display the Length and the LastWriteTime.

$time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | format-table -HideTableHeaders Name,Length,LastWriteTime


available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak 93134 3/26/2019 8 : 15 : 23 AM

I would like to change Name to this:

available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
index.html 93134 3/26/2019 8 : 15 : 23 AM

If I use:

$delim = "."
gci * -include *index*,*available13* -Name | `
foreach {
$nameArray = $_.Split($delim)
$newName = $nameArray[0] + "." + $nameArray[1]
Write-Output $newName

I get the edited Name with no date limit, no size and no last write time.


I've tried:

  1. gci | gm | oh -paging

  2. two days of google search

  3. a regex (which I am not proficient at yet)

  4. parse gci outfile

It is close. Do I have to take another approach?

share|improve this question

New contributor

somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


    # Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
    # powershell 5.1.17134.48
    # dir directory. Include index*,avail* where the last write time is less than
    # 4 days. Display a parsed Name. Display the Length and the LastWriteTime.

    $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
    gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | format-table -HideTableHeaders Name,Length,LastWriteTime


    available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
    index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak 93134 3/26/2019 8 : 15 : 23 AM

    I would like to change Name to this:

    available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
    index.html 93134 3/26/2019 8 : 15 : 23 AM

    If I use:

    $delim = "."
    gci * -include *index*,*available13* -Name | `
    foreach {
    $nameArray = $_.Split($delim)
    $newName = $nameArray[0] + "." + $nameArray[1]
    Write-Output $newName

    I get the edited Name with no date limit, no size and no last write time.


    I've tried:

    1. gci | gm | oh -paging

    2. two days of google search

    3. a regex (which I am not proficient at yet)

    4. parse gci outfile

    It is close. Do I have to take another approach?

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.





      # Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
      # powershell 5.1.17134.48
      # dir directory. Include index*,avail* where the last write time is less than
      # 4 days. Display a parsed Name. Display the Length and the LastWriteTime.

      $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
      gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | format-table -HideTableHeaders Name,Length,LastWriteTime


      available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
      index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak 93134 3/26/2019 8 : 15 : 23 AM

      I would like to change Name to this:

      available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
      index.html 93134 3/26/2019 8 : 15 : 23 AM

      If I use:

      $delim = "."
      gci * -include *index*,*available13* -Name | `
      foreach {
      $nameArray = $_.Split($delim)
      $newName = $nameArray[0] + "." + $nameArray[1]
      Write-Output $newName

      I get the edited Name with no date limit, no size and no last write time.


      I've tried:

      1. gci | gm | oh -paging

      2. two days of google search

      3. a regex (which I am not proficient at yet)

      4. parse gci outfile

      It is close. Do I have to take another approach?

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      # Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
      # powershell 5.1.17134.48
      # dir directory. Include index*,avail* where the last write time is less than
      # 4 days. Display a parsed Name. Display the Length and the LastWriteTime.

      $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
      gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | format-table -HideTableHeaders Name,Length,LastWriteTime


      available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
      index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak 93134 3/26/2019 8 : 15 : 23 AM

      I would like to change Name to this:

      available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
      index.html 93134 3/26/2019 8 : 15 : 23 AM

      If I use:

      $delim = "."
      gci * -include *index*,*available13* -Name | `
      foreach {
      $nameArray = $_.Split($delim)
      $newName = $nameArray[0] + "." + $nameArray[1]
      Write-Output $newName

      I get the edited Name with no date limit, no size and no last write time.


      I've tried:

      1. gci | gm | oh -paging

      2. two days of google search

      3. a regex (which I am not proficient at yet)

      4. parse gci outfile

      It is close. Do I have to take another approach?

      powershell text-editing

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 12 mins ago




      New contributor

      somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked 10 hours ago




      New contributor

      somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

          3 Answers





          I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove everything after html from $_.Name

          This can be done with a calculated property either in a Select-Object or also in a Format-*

          Get-ChildItem -File | 
          Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Name -HideTableHeaders

          Sample output:

          available13.html available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak
          index.html index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak

          share|improve this answer


            You can add a new property with Add-Member like this

            $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
            $files = gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time}
            foreach ($f in $files) {
            $f | Add-Member noteproperty newName -Value `
            $f.Name.Substring(0, $f.Name.Length - ".yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak".Length)
            $files | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders newName,Length,LastWriteTime

            Note that the above snippet assumes that your names always end with .yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak. If they have some other format then you must include that information in the question, and you may need to use other string methods like replace, substring... to remove the unnecessary part

            share|improve this answer

            • Although LotPings did not give me what I asked for, his almost solution was closest to what I ultimately needed, a solution that could be corrected into a one line shortcut. Thanks for taking the time. Yours worked right out of the box.

              – somebadhat
              3 hours ago


            # Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
            # powershell 5.1.17134.48
            # parse Notepad++ "backup on save" filenames.
            # dir directory. Include index*,avail* where the last write time is less than
            # 4 days. Display a parsed Name. Display the Length (size) and the LastWriteTime.
            # Can be used as a shortcut: powershell -noexit $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4); gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders
            # Start it in your directory of choice.

            $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
            gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

            Expected results:

            available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
            index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

            Actual results:

            available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
            index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

            See LotPings answer for the almost solution to the parse:
            "I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove
            everything after html from $_.Name This can be done with a calculated
            property either in a Select-Object or a Format-table". See the corrected solution below.

            | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.

              Your Answer

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              3 Answers




              3 Answers











              I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove everything after html from $_.Name

              This can be done with a calculated property either in a Select-Object or also in a Format-*

              Get-ChildItem -File | 
              Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Name -HideTableHeaders

              Sample output:

              available13.html available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak
              index.html index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak

              share|improve this answer


                I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove everything after html from $_.Name

                This can be done with a calculated property either in a Select-Object or also in a Format-*

                Get-ChildItem -File | 
                Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Name -HideTableHeaders

                Sample output:

                available13.html available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak
                index.html index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak

                share|improve this answer




                  I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove everything after html from $_.Name

                  This can be done with a calculated property either in a Select-Object or also in a Format-*

                  Get-ChildItem -File | 
                  Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Name -HideTableHeaders

                  Sample output:

                  available13.html available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak
                  index.html index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak

                  share|improve this answer

                  I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove everything after html from $_.Name

                  This can be done with a calculated property either in a Select-Object or also in a Format-*

                  Get-ChildItem -File | 
                  Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Name -HideTableHeaders

                  Sample output:

                  available13.html available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak
                  index.html index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered 9 hours ago





                      You can add a new property with Add-Member like this

                      $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
                      $files = gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time}
                      foreach ($f in $files) {
                      $f | Add-Member noteproperty newName -Value `
                      $f.Name.Substring(0, $f.Name.Length - ".yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak".Length)
                      $files | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders newName,Length,LastWriteTime

                      Note that the above snippet assumes that your names always end with .yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak. If they have some other format then you must include that information in the question, and you may need to use other string methods like replace, substring... to remove the unnecessary part

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Although LotPings did not give me what I asked for, his almost solution was closest to what I ultimately needed, a solution that could be corrected into a one line shortcut. Thanks for taking the time. Yours worked right out of the box.

                        – somebadhat
                        3 hours ago


                      You can add a new property with Add-Member like this

                      $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
                      $files = gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time}
                      foreach ($f in $files) {
                      $f | Add-Member noteproperty newName -Value `
                      $f.Name.Substring(0, $f.Name.Length - ".yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak".Length)
                      $files | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders newName,Length,LastWriteTime

                      Note that the above snippet assumes that your names always end with .yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak. If they have some other format then you must include that information in the question, and you may need to use other string methods like replace, substring... to remove the unnecessary part

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Although LotPings did not give me what I asked for, his almost solution was closest to what I ultimately needed, a solution that could be corrected into a one line shortcut. Thanks for taking the time. Yours worked right out of the box.

                        – somebadhat
                        3 hours ago




                      You can add a new property with Add-Member like this

                      $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
                      $files = gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time}
                      foreach ($f in $files) {
                      $f | Add-Member noteproperty newName -Value `
                      $f.Name.Substring(0, $f.Name.Length - ".yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak".Length)
                      $files | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders newName,Length,LastWriteTime

                      Note that the above snippet assumes that your names always end with .yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak. If they have some other format then you must include that information in the question, and you may need to use other string methods like replace, substring... to remove the unnecessary part

                      share|improve this answer

                      You can add a new property with Add-Member like this

                      $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
                      $files = gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time}
                      foreach ($f in $files) {
                      $f | Add-Member noteproperty newName -Value `
                      $f.Name.Substring(0, $f.Name.Length - ".yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak".Length)
                      $files | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders newName,Length,LastWriteTime

                      Note that the above snippet assumes that your names always end with .yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak. If they have some other format then you must include that information in the question, and you may need to use other string methods like replace, substring... to remove the unnecessary part

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      edited 9 hours ago

                      answered 9 hours ago




                      • Although LotPings did not give me what I asked for, his almost solution was closest to what I ultimately needed, a solution that could be corrected into a one line shortcut. Thanks for taking the time. Yours worked right out of the box.

                        – somebadhat
                        3 hours ago

                      • Although LotPings did not give me what I asked for, his almost solution was closest to what I ultimately needed, a solution that could be corrected into a one line shortcut. Thanks for taking the time. Yours worked right out of the box.

                        – somebadhat
                        3 hours ago

                      Although LotPings did not give me what I asked for, his almost solution was closest to what I ultimately needed, a solution that could be corrected into a one line shortcut. Thanks for taking the time. Yours worked right out of the box.

                      – somebadhat
                      3 hours ago

                      Although LotPings did not give me what I asked for, his almost solution was closest to what I ultimately needed, a solution that could be corrected into a one line shortcut. Thanks for taking the time. Yours worked right out of the box.

                      – somebadhat
                      3 hours ago


                      # Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
                      # powershell 5.1.17134.48
                      # parse Notepad++ "backup on save" filenames.
                      # dir directory. Include index*,avail* where the last write time is less than
                      # 4 days. Display a parsed Name. Display the Length (size) and the LastWriteTime.
                      # Can be used as a shortcut: powershell -noexit $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4); gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders
                      # Start it in your directory of choice.

                      $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
                      gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

                      Expected results:

                      available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
                      index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

                      Actual results:

                      available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
                      index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

                      See LotPings answer for the almost solution to the parse:
                      "I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove
                      everything after html from $_.Name This can be done with a calculated
                      property either in a Select-Object or a Format-table". See the corrected solution below.

                      | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

                      share|improve this answer

                      New contributor

                      somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.


                        # Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
                        # powershell 5.1.17134.48
                        # parse Notepad++ "backup on save" filenames.
                        # dir directory. Include index*,avail* where the last write time is less than
                        # 4 days. Display a parsed Name. Display the Length (size) and the LastWriteTime.
                        # Can be used as a shortcut: powershell -noexit $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4); gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders
                        # Start it in your directory of choice.

                        $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
                        gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

                        Expected results:

                        available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
                        index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

                        Actual results:

                        available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
                        index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

                        See LotPings answer for the almost solution to the parse:
                        "I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove
                        everything after html from $_.Name This can be done with a calculated
                        property either in a Select-Object or a Format-table". See the corrected solution below.

                        | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

                        share|improve this answer

                        New contributor

                        somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.




                          # Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
                          # powershell 5.1.17134.48
                          # parse Notepad++ "backup on save" filenames.
                          # dir directory. Include index*,avail* where the last write time is less than
                          # 4 days. Display a parsed Name. Display the Length (size) and the LastWriteTime.
                          # Can be used as a shortcut: powershell -noexit $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4); gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders
                          # Start it in your directory of choice.

                          $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
                          gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

                          Expected results:

                          available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
                          index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

                          Actual results:

                          available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
                          index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

                          See LotPings answer for the almost solution to the parse:
                          "I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove
                          everything after html from $_.Name This can be done with a calculated
                          property either in a Select-Object or a Format-table". See the corrected solution below.

                          | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

                          share|improve this answer

                          New contributor

                          somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                          Check out our Code of Conduct.

                          # Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
                          # powershell 5.1.17134.48
                          # parse Notepad++ "backup on save" filenames.
                          # dir directory. Include index*,avail* where the last write time is less than
                          # 4 days. Display a parsed Name. Display the Length (size) and the LastWriteTime.
                          # Can be used as a shortcut: powershell -noexit $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4); gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders
                          # Start it in your directory of choice.

                          $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
                          gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

                          Expected results:

                          available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
                          index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

                          Actual results:

                          available13.html  93130 3/26/2019 8  :  10  :  05 AM
                          index.html 39386 3/26/2019 8 : 10 : 05 AM

                          See LotPings answer for the almost solution to the parse:
                          "I'd use a RegEx with zero length lookbehind assertion to remove
                          everything after html from $_.Name This can be done with a calculated
                          property either in a Select-Object or a Format-table". See the corrected solution below.

                          | Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*.html).*$'}},Length,LastWriteTime -HideTableHeaders

                          share|improve this answer

                          New contributor

                          somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                          edited 4 hours ago

                          New contributor

                          somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                          Check out our Code of Conduct.

                          answered 4 hours ago




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                          somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                          somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                          somebadhat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                          Check out our Code of Conduct.

                              somebadhat is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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                              somebadhat is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

                              somebadhat is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

                              somebadhat is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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