Are hand motions required to use the Force? Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast? ...
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Are hand motions required to use the Force?
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In almost every canon (that is, visual) source, Force users typically wave a hand to invoke the Force to move or manipulate objects, people and thoughts. I get out-of-universe this is a visual cue that the Force is being used, but in-universe is it strictly necessary?
(The only exception I can think of is when Luke is training on Dagobah and is balancing rocks while standing on one hand with Yoda on his foot. He doesn't appear to be waving his hand to move the rocks.)
Is this addressed anywhere in-universe, even in Legends?
star-wars the-force
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In almost every canon (that is, visual) source, Force users typically wave a hand to invoke the Force to move or manipulate objects, people and thoughts. I get out-of-universe this is a visual cue that the Force is being used, but in-universe is it strictly necessary?
(The only exception I can think of is when Luke is training on Dagobah and is balancing rocks while standing on one hand with Yoda on his foot. He doesn't appear to be waving his hand to move the rocks.)
Is this addressed anywhere in-universe, even in Legends?
star-wars the-force
You use the Force in more ways that moving dumb objects. Anytime you do lightsaber combat you use the Force
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:42
@DVK Are hand motions required to do lightsaber combat? I'd say so. (Although there are some EU/Legends exceptions.)
– KSmarts
Jan 16 '15 at 18:47
@KSmarts - Not really. If you look at details in novelizations, the hand motions are the RESULT of using the Force, not the cause
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:52
It's also not necessary to press your fingers on your temples to concentrate, and yet people often do it
– Hagen von Eitzen
Jan 16 '15 at 21:22
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In almost every canon (that is, visual) source, Force users typically wave a hand to invoke the Force to move or manipulate objects, people and thoughts. I get out-of-universe this is a visual cue that the Force is being used, but in-universe is it strictly necessary?
(The only exception I can think of is when Luke is training on Dagobah and is balancing rocks while standing on one hand with Yoda on his foot. He doesn't appear to be waving his hand to move the rocks.)
Is this addressed anywhere in-universe, even in Legends?
star-wars the-force
In almost every canon (that is, visual) source, Force users typically wave a hand to invoke the Force to move or manipulate objects, people and thoughts. I get out-of-universe this is a visual cue that the Force is being used, but in-universe is it strictly necessary?
(The only exception I can think of is when Luke is training on Dagobah and is balancing rocks while standing on one hand with Yoda on his foot. He doesn't appear to be waving his hand to move the rocks.)
Is this addressed anywhere in-universe, even in Legends?
star-wars the-force
star-wars the-force
asked Jan 16 '15 at 17:51
Michael ItzoeMichael Itzoe
You use the Force in more ways that moving dumb objects. Anytime you do lightsaber combat you use the Force
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:42
@DVK Are hand motions required to do lightsaber combat? I'd say so. (Although there are some EU/Legends exceptions.)
– KSmarts
Jan 16 '15 at 18:47
@KSmarts - Not really. If you look at details in novelizations, the hand motions are the RESULT of using the Force, not the cause
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:52
It's also not necessary to press your fingers on your temples to concentrate, and yet people often do it
– Hagen von Eitzen
Jan 16 '15 at 21:22
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You use the Force in more ways that moving dumb objects. Anytime you do lightsaber combat you use the Force
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:42
@DVK Are hand motions required to do lightsaber combat? I'd say so. (Although there are some EU/Legends exceptions.)
– KSmarts
Jan 16 '15 at 18:47
@KSmarts - Not really. If you look at details in novelizations, the hand motions are the RESULT of using the Force, not the cause
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:52
It's also not necessary to press your fingers on your temples to concentrate, and yet people often do it
– Hagen von Eitzen
Jan 16 '15 at 21:22
You use the Force in more ways that moving dumb objects. Anytime you do lightsaber combat you use the Force
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:42
You use the Force in more ways that moving dumb objects. Anytime you do lightsaber combat you use the Force
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:42
@DVK Are hand motions required to do lightsaber combat? I'd say so. (Although there are some EU/Legends exceptions.)
– KSmarts
Jan 16 '15 at 18:47
@DVK Are hand motions required to do lightsaber combat? I'd say so. (Although there are some EU/Legends exceptions.)
– KSmarts
Jan 16 '15 at 18:47
@KSmarts - Not really. If you look at details in novelizations, the hand motions are the RESULT of using the Force, not the cause
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:52
@KSmarts - Not really. If you look at details in novelizations, the hand motions are the RESULT of using the Force, not the cause
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:52
It's also not necessary to press your fingers on your temples to concentrate, and yet people often do it
– Hagen von Eitzen
Jan 16 '15 at 21:22
It's also not necessary to press your fingers on your temples to concentrate, and yet people often do it
– Hagen von Eitzen
Jan 16 '15 at 21:22
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5 Answers
Hand motions are not required to use the force.
The perfect example is in the Empire Strikes Back when Darth Vader faces off with Luke just before he cuts off Luke's Hand. He's force throwing all sorts of stuff at Luke without even taking his hands of his lightsaber.
There are many other examples of Darth Vader using the force without so much as making a move, like when he force choked Admiral Ozzel over communicae without so much as flinching. All the while continuing his conversation with the newly promoted Admiral Piett.
It appears that Jedi or Sith with advanced knowledge of the force can use it without any gestures of any kind.
I realize that I am necro-commenting, but FWIW, in case of Vader specifically, moving hands to use the Force would be useless since his hands are mechanical and have no midichlorians in them. He must have developed his abilities not relying on hands after that little Mustafar incident.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 1:23
@void_ptr I just had a mental image of what Vader's "concentration" face might look like under his mask. But what about all the time that Vader does do hand gestures to use the force? Like when he flicks the switch for the carbon freeze chamber when he's trying to freeze Luke, or when he rips the blaster out of Han's hand, or when he force chokes that one guy, "I find you lack of faith disturbing..."
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 3:30
Those are definitely good points. Here's my take. 1) Switch - this is the hardest one. Perhaps moving hands still helps him mentally focus on the object? Especially small one, which requires precision. 2) Blaster - that's easy. He just extends his hand to catch the blaster which is flying his way! 3) Force-choke - since it is already established that he can Force-choke without any hand movements... maybe it just looks more intimidating this way? Sort of, "Oh, you don't believe in the Force? Watch this!" That way everyone around realize the guy did not just choke on something, too.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 15:35
@void_ptr I don't agree that his hands don't have any midichlorians in them either. At the end of Return of the Jedi, we see Anakin as he exists in the force, with all his limbs intact. If there is a spirit which can dwell in the force made out of more refined, purer matter, then that spirit exists in the body, and therefore in Darth Vader's mechanical hands. Also, Yoda said, "the force surrounds us", but he doesn't indicate to what extent. The mechanical arm by itself may not have any midichlorians in it, but attached to the body where a limb once was, I'd argue it does.
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 15:47
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No, they're not necessary. But they act as a focusing aide and may be necessary for more difficult tasks. Notice that no hand gestures were needed when Luke levitated C3PO:
But when he focuses deeply to attempt to lift his X-Wing, he extends his hand:
Similarly, as ShemSeger noted, Vader doesn't use hand gestures to throw (relatively) lightweight objects at Luke during their duel in the Empire Strikes Back. However, when he attempts to match Obi-Wan's force-push in Revenge of the Sith, he makes this motion:
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During the Jedi Academy series of novels, Luke Skywalker talks to an independent tibanna gas miner on Bespin, named Streen. They have a discussion about the Force and it's uses (Streen has been uncontrollably listening to people's thoughts/feelings, leading him to become a hermit). Luke demonstrates his telekinesis by flicking his finger at a distant antenna and making it wave with a telekinetic strike.
He encourages Streen to try as well, and tells him that the gesture isn't truly needed, though it can serve as a focus. Streen, if I recall correctly, accomplishes the same task (with a weaker push) without the hand motion. He claimed the hand motion had been distracting.
It's no longer canon (thanks, Disney!) but it was a good source for the answer to this question.
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No it's not. But it is like a form of triggering, take Johnny Wilkinson's trademark pose before taking a kick on the Rugby field or Bruce Lee's scream, a Potterverse Wizard/Witches Patronus animal or Wand choice or a singer's face when they hit big notes.
It's the "harnessing and focusing" your Chi/Force concept and reflects the actual effort involved in a use of the force. Some find things extremely easy while others will find great effort reflected physically.
Someone like Vader can hurl objects and still "fight", this is because he was always "the chosen one" (had the highest Midichlorian count if you want to go that way) thus was stronger with the force... As Anakin his frustration was arguably a mental barrier, meaning he needed to use things like the hand gesture against Obi Wan. As Vader, with his Sith training "complete" he is not only more powerful but has no reservation or frustration holding him back, thus his force use is easier. The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use, it's part of the lure.
Likewise Luke can simply steeple his hands and use his Jedi mind trick while Obi Wan and Qui Gon had to use their hands to focus, despite him not believing his training complete. What isn't mentioned is Padme's level of Force "use", it's not a plot point but it's conceivable that as Queen of Naboo she'd have some level of Force affinity to be able to unite her people and is unusually perceptive.
As Anakin and Padme's offspring, Luke would arguably be the most powerful Jedi who ever lived. Mace Windu arguably had that distinction prior as his Force use was the most akin to Luke and Vader's, had he not died, conceivably he would have replaced Yoda as the leader on merit eventually.
Yoda, despite being the leader of the Jedi needed to use his focusing to lift Luke's X-Wing, possibly due to his age but also it may have been relative to his physical size.
Realistically though, no hand motion would be required but it would help the individual.
"The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use", I hate this idea because it's a pessimistic view of the world, The world is much easier than we think, but we tend to complicate things.
– johan.i.zahri
Jun 13 '17 at 4:18
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Hand movements are not necessary. As seen throughout the films (all 6 of them) and also clone wars and rebels: Hand movements are used MOST of the time (for telekinesis, but also force persuasion as seen in episode 1 with the gungan queen, wato,... and almost every other episode too).
BUT there are also cases where no hand movement was made:
- Luke lifts C3-PO into the air during film no 6.
- Luke lifts stones into the air during episode 5.
- Anakin crushes the laboratory at the end of episode 3.
To name a few.
So why do they do make these movements if they are not necessary? It seems like from the films that it is because of focus and nothing more. When they do hand movements they can be large movements or just miniscule movments. When they make no hand movement at all then they close their eyes and concentrate. So it looks like the hand movement has a similar function to them closing their eyes and concentrating which points solely into the direction of focus. Thus closing their eyes and concentrate focuses their power as does a ritualized hand movement.
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5 Answers
5 Answers
Hand motions are not required to use the force.
The perfect example is in the Empire Strikes Back when Darth Vader faces off with Luke just before he cuts off Luke's Hand. He's force throwing all sorts of stuff at Luke without even taking his hands of his lightsaber.
There are many other examples of Darth Vader using the force without so much as making a move, like when he force choked Admiral Ozzel over communicae without so much as flinching. All the while continuing his conversation with the newly promoted Admiral Piett.
It appears that Jedi or Sith with advanced knowledge of the force can use it without any gestures of any kind.
I realize that I am necro-commenting, but FWIW, in case of Vader specifically, moving hands to use the Force would be useless since his hands are mechanical and have no midichlorians in them. He must have developed his abilities not relying on hands after that little Mustafar incident.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 1:23
@void_ptr I just had a mental image of what Vader's "concentration" face might look like under his mask. But what about all the time that Vader does do hand gestures to use the force? Like when he flicks the switch for the carbon freeze chamber when he's trying to freeze Luke, or when he rips the blaster out of Han's hand, or when he force chokes that one guy, "I find you lack of faith disturbing..."
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 3:30
Those are definitely good points. Here's my take. 1) Switch - this is the hardest one. Perhaps moving hands still helps him mentally focus on the object? Especially small one, which requires precision. 2) Blaster - that's easy. He just extends his hand to catch the blaster which is flying his way! 3) Force-choke - since it is already established that he can Force-choke without any hand movements... maybe it just looks more intimidating this way? Sort of, "Oh, you don't believe in the Force? Watch this!" That way everyone around realize the guy did not just choke on something, too.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 15:35
@void_ptr I don't agree that his hands don't have any midichlorians in them either. At the end of Return of the Jedi, we see Anakin as he exists in the force, with all his limbs intact. If there is a spirit which can dwell in the force made out of more refined, purer matter, then that spirit exists in the body, and therefore in Darth Vader's mechanical hands. Also, Yoda said, "the force surrounds us", but he doesn't indicate to what extent. The mechanical arm by itself may not have any midichlorians in it, but attached to the body where a limb once was, I'd argue it does.
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 15:47
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Hand motions are not required to use the force.
The perfect example is in the Empire Strikes Back when Darth Vader faces off with Luke just before he cuts off Luke's Hand. He's force throwing all sorts of stuff at Luke without even taking his hands of his lightsaber.
There are many other examples of Darth Vader using the force without so much as making a move, like when he force choked Admiral Ozzel over communicae without so much as flinching. All the while continuing his conversation with the newly promoted Admiral Piett.
It appears that Jedi or Sith with advanced knowledge of the force can use it without any gestures of any kind.
I realize that I am necro-commenting, but FWIW, in case of Vader specifically, moving hands to use the Force would be useless since his hands are mechanical and have no midichlorians in them. He must have developed his abilities not relying on hands after that little Mustafar incident.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 1:23
@void_ptr I just had a mental image of what Vader's "concentration" face might look like under his mask. But what about all the time that Vader does do hand gestures to use the force? Like when he flicks the switch for the carbon freeze chamber when he's trying to freeze Luke, or when he rips the blaster out of Han's hand, or when he force chokes that one guy, "I find you lack of faith disturbing..."
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 3:30
Those are definitely good points. Here's my take. 1) Switch - this is the hardest one. Perhaps moving hands still helps him mentally focus on the object? Especially small one, which requires precision. 2) Blaster - that's easy. He just extends his hand to catch the blaster which is flying his way! 3) Force-choke - since it is already established that he can Force-choke without any hand movements... maybe it just looks more intimidating this way? Sort of, "Oh, you don't believe in the Force? Watch this!" That way everyone around realize the guy did not just choke on something, too.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 15:35
@void_ptr I don't agree that his hands don't have any midichlorians in them either. At the end of Return of the Jedi, we see Anakin as he exists in the force, with all his limbs intact. If there is a spirit which can dwell in the force made out of more refined, purer matter, then that spirit exists in the body, and therefore in Darth Vader's mechanical hands. Also, Yoda said, "the force surrounds us", but he doesn't indicate to what extent. The mechanical arm by itself may not have any midichlorians in it, but attached to the body where a limb once was, I'd argue it does.
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 15:47
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Hand motions are not required to use the force.
The perfect example is in the Empire Strikes Back when Darth Vader faces off with Luke just before he cuts off Luke's Hand. He's force throwing all sorts of stuff at Luke without even taking his hands of his lightsaber.
There are many other examples of Darth Vader using the force without so much as making a move, like when he force choked Admiral Ozzel over communicae without so much as flinching. All the while continuing his conversation with the newly promoted Admiral Piett.
It appears that Jedi or Sith with advanced knowledge of the force can use it without any gestures of any kind.
Hand motions are not required to use the force.
The perfect example is in the Empire Strikes Back when Darth Vader faces off with Luke just before he cuts off Luke's Hand. He's force throwing all sorts of stuff at Luke without even taking his hands of his lightsaber.
There are many other examples of Darth Vader using the force without so much as making a move, like when he force choked Admiral Ozzel over communicae without so much as flinching. All the while continuing his conversation with the newly promoted Admiral Piett.
It appears that Jedi or Sith with advanced knowledge of the force can use it without any gestures of any kind.
edited 6 mins ago


answered Jan 16 '15 at 18:08


I realize that I am necro-commenting, but FWIW, in case of Vader specifically, moving hands to use the Force would be useless since his hands are mechanical and have no midichlorians in them. He must have developed his abilities not relying on hands after that little Mustafar incident.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 1:23
@void_ptr I just had a mental image of what Vader's "concentration" face might look like under his mask. But what about all the time that Vader does do hand gestures to use the force? Like when he flicks the switch for the carbon freeze chamber when he's trying to freeze Luke, or when he rips the blaster out of Han's hand, or when he force chokes that one guy, "I find you lack of faith disturbing..."
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 3:30
Those are definitely good points. Here's my take. 1) Switch - this is the hardest one. Perhaps moving hands still helps him mentally focus on the object? Especially small one, which requires precision. 2) Blaster - that's easy. He just extends his hand to catch the blaster which is flying his way! 3) Force-choke - since it is already established that he can Force-choke without any hand movements... maybe it just looks more intimidating this way? Sort of, "Oh, you don't believe in the Force? Watch this!" That way everyone around realize the guy did not just choke on something, too.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 15:35
@void_ptr I don't agree that his hands don't have any midichlorians in them either. At the end of Return of the Jedi, we see Anakin as he exists in the force, with all his limbs intact. If there is a spirit which can dwell in the force made out of more refined, purer matter, then that spirit exists in the body, and therefore in Darth Vader's mechanical hands. Also, Yoda said, "the force surrounds us", but he doesn't indicate to what extent. The mechanical arm by itself may not have any midichlorians in it, but attached to the body where a limb once was, I'd argue it does.
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 15:47
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I realize that I am necro-commenting, but FWIW, in case of Vader specifically, moving hands to use the Force would be useless since his hands are mechanical and have no midichlorians in them. He must have developed his abilities not relying on hands after that little Mustafar incident.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 1:23
@void_ptr I just had a mental image of what Vader's "concentration" face might look like under his mask. But what about all the time that Vader does do hand gestures to use the force? Like when he flicks the switch for the carbon freeze chamber when he's trying to freeze Luke, or when he rips the blaster out of Han's hand, or when he force chokes that one guy, "I find you lack of faith disturbing..."
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 3:30
Those are definitely good points. Here's my take. 1) Switch - this is the hardest one. Perhaps moving hands still helps him mentally focus on the object? Especially small one, which requires precision. 2) Blaster - that's easy. He just extends his hand to catch the blaster which is flying his way! 3) Force-choke - since it is already established that he can Force-choke without any hand movements... maybe it just looks more intimidating this way? Sort of, "Oh, you don't believe in the Force? Watch this!" That way everyone around realize the guy did not just choke on something, too.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 15:35
@void_ptr I don't agree that his hands don't have any midichlorians in them either. At the end of Return of the Jedi, we see Anakin as he exists in the force, with all his limbs intact. If there is a spirit which can dwell in the force made out of more refined, purer matter, then that spirit exists in the body, and therefore in Darth Vader's mechanical hands. Also, Yoda said, "the force surrounds us", but he doesn't indicate to what extent. The mechanical arm by itself may not have any midichlorians in it, but attached to the body where a limb once was, I'd argue it does.
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 15:47
I realize that I am necro-commenting, but FWIW, in case of Vader specifically, moving hands to use the Force would be useless since his hands are mechanical and have no midichlorians in them. He must have developed his abilities not relying on hands after that little Mustafar incident.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 1:23
I realize that I am necro-commenting, but FWIW, in case of Vader specifically, moving hands to use the Force would be useless since his hands are mechanical and have no midichlorians in them. He must have developed his abilities not relying on hands after that little Mustafar incident.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 1:23
@void_ptr I just had a mental image of what Vader's "concentration" face might look like under his mask. But what about all the time that Vader does do hand gestures to use the force? Like when he flicks the switch for the carbon freeze chamber when he's trying to freeze Luke, or when he rips the blaster out of Han's hand, or when he force chokes that one guy, "I find you lack of faith disturbing..."
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 3:30
@void_ptr I just had a mental image of what Vader's "concentration" face might look like under his mask. But what about all the time that Vader does do hand gestures to use the force? Like when he flicks the switch for the carbon freeze chamber when he's trying to freeze Luke, or when he rips the blaster out of Han's hand, or when he force chokes that one guy, "I find you lack of faith disturbing..."
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 3:30
Those are definitely good points. Here's my take. 1) Switch - this is the hardest one. Perhaps moving hands still helps him mentally focus on the object? Especially small one, which requires precision. 2) Blaster - that's easy. He just extends his hand to catch the blaster which is flying his way! 3) Force-choke - since it is already established that he can Force-choke without any hand movements... maybe it just looks more intimidating this way? Sort of, "Oh, you don't believe in the Force? Watch this!" That way everyone around realize the guy did not just choke on something, too.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 15:35
Those are definitely good points. Here's my take. 1) Switch - this is the hardest one. Perhaps moving hands still helps him mentally focus on the object? Especially small one, which requires precision. 2) Blaster - that's easy. He just extends his hand to catch the blaster which is flying his way! 3) Force-choke - since it is already established that he can Force-choke without any hand movements... maybe it just looks more intimidating this way? Sort of, "Oh, you don't believe in the Force? Watch this!" That way everyone around realize the guy did not just choke on something, too.
– void_ptr
Feb 23 '16 at 15:35
@void_ptr I don't agree that his hands don't have any midichlorians in them either. At the end of Return of the Jedi, we see Anakin as he exists in the force, with all his limbs intact. If there is a spirit which can dwell in the force made out of more refined, purer matter, then that spirit exists in the body, and therefore in Darth Vader's mechanical hands. Also, Yoda said, "the force surrounds us", but he doesn't indicate to what extent. The mechanical arm by itself may not have any midichlorians in it, but attached to the body where a limb once was, I'd argue it does.
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 15:47
@void_ptr I don't agree that his hands don't have any midichlorians in them either. At the end of Return of the Jedi, we see Anakin as he exists in the force, with all his limbs intact. If there is a spirit which can dwell in the force made out of more refined, purer matter, then that spirit exists in the body, and therefore in Darth Vader's mechanical hands. Also, Yoda said, "the force surrounds us", but he doesn't indicate to what extent. The mechanical arm by itself may not have any midichlorians in it, but attached to the body where a limb once was, I'd argue it does.
– ShemSeger
Feb 23 '16 at 15:47
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No, they're not necessary. But they act as a focusing aide and may be necessary for more difficult tasks. Notice that no hand gestures were needed when Luke levitated C3PO:
But when he focuses deeply to attempt to lift his X-Wing, he extends his hand:
Similarly, as ShemSeger noted, Vader doesn't use hand gestures to throw (relatively) lightweight objects at Luke during their duel in the Empire Strikes Back. However, when he attempts to match Obi-Wan's force-push in Revenge of the Sith, he makes this motion:
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No, they're not necessary. But they act as a focusing aide and may be necessary for more difficult tasks. Notice that no hand gestures were needed when Luke levitated C3PO:
But when he focuses deeply to attempt to lift his X-Wing, he extends his hand:
Similarly, as ShemSeger noted, Vader doesn't use hand gestures to throw (relatively) lightweight objects at Luke during their duel in the Empire Strikes Back. However, when he attempts to match Obi-Wan's force-push in Revenge of the Sith, he makes this motion:
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No, they're not necessary. But they act as a focusing aide and may be necessary for more difficult tasks. Notice that no hand gestures were needed when Luke levitated C3PO:
But when he focuses deeply to attempt to lift his X-Wing, he extends his hand:
Similarly, as ShemSeger noted, Vader doesn't use hand gestures to throw (relatively) lightweight objects at Luke during their duel in the Empire Strikes Back. However, when he attempts to match Obi-Wan's force-push in Revenge of the Sith, he makes this motion:
No, they're not necessary. But they act as a focusing aide and may be necessary for more difficult tasks. Notice that no hand gestures were needed when Luke levitated C3PO:
But when he focuses deeply to attempt to lift his X-Wing, he extends his hand:
Similarly, as ShemSeger noted, Vader doesn't use hand gestures to throw (relatively) lightweight objects at Luke during their duel in the Empire Strikes Back. However, when he attempts to match Obi-Wan's force-push in Revenge of the Sith, he makes this motion:
edited Jan 16 '15 at 18:41
answered Jan 16 '15 at 18:28


Twilight SparkleTwilight Sparkle
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During the Jedi Academy series of novels, Luke Skywalker talks to an independent tibanna gas miner on Bespin, named Streen. They have a discussion about the Force and it's uses (Streen has been uncontrollably listening to people's thoughts/feelings, leading him to become a hermit). Luke demonstrates his telekinesis by flicking his finger at a distant antenna and making it wave with a telekinetic strike.
He encourages Streen to try as well, and tells him that the gesture isn't truly needed, though it can serve as a focus. Streen, if I recall correctly, accomplishes the same task (with a weaker push) without the hand motion. He claimed the hand motion had been distracting.
It's no longer canon (thanks, Disney!) but it was a good source for the answer to this question.
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During the Jedi Academy series of novels, Luke Skywalker talks to an independent tibanna gas miner on Bespin, named Streen. They have a discussion about the Force and it's uses (Streen has been uncontrollably listening to people's thoughts/feelings, leading him to become a hermit). Luke demonstrates his telekinesis by flicking his finger at a distant antenna and making it wave with a telekinetic strike.
He encourages Streen to try as well, and tells him that the gesture isn't truly needed, though it can serve as a focus. Streen, if I recall correctly, accomplishes the same task (with a weaker push) without the hand motion. He claimed the hand motion had been distracting.
It's no longer canon (thanks, Disney!) but it was a good source for the answer to this question.
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During the Jedi Academy series of novels, Luke Skywalker talks to an independent tibanna gas miner on Bespin, named Streen. They have a discussion about the Force and it's uses (Streen has been uncontrollably listening to people's thoughts/feelings, leading him to become a hermit). Luke demonstrates his telekinesis by flicking his finger at a distant antenna and making it wave with a telekinetic strike.
He encourages Streen to try as well, and tells him that the gesture isn't truly needed, though it can serve as a focus. Streen, if I recall correctly, accomplishes the same task (with a weaker push) without the hand motion. He claimed the hand motion had been distracting.
It's no longer canon (thanks, Disney!) but it was a good source for the answer to this question.
During the Jedi Academy series of novels, Luke Skywalker talks to an independent tibanna gas miner on Bespin, named Streen. They have a discussion about the Force and it's uses (Streen has been uncontrollably listening to people's thoughts/feelings, leading him to become a hermit). Luke demonstrates his telekinesis by flicking his finger at a distant antenna and making it wave with a telekinetic strike.
He encourages Streen to try as well, and tells him that the gesture isn't truly needed, though it can serve as a focus. Streen, if I recall correctly, accomplishes the same task (with a weaker push) without the hand motion. He claimed the hand motion had been distracting.
It's no longer canon (thanks, Disney!) but it was a good source for the answer to this question.
answered Jan 16 '15 at 19:13
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No it's not. But it is like a form of triggering, take Johnny Wilkinson's trademark pose before taking a kick on the Rugby field or Bruce Lee's scream, a Potterverse Wizard/Witches Patronus animal or Wand choice or a singer's face when they hit big notes.
It's the "harnessing and focusing" your Chi/Force concept and reflects the actual effort involved in a use of the force. Some find things extremely easy while others will find great effort reflected physically.
Someone like Vader can hurl objects and still "fight", this is because he was always "the chosen one" (had the highest Midichlorian count if you want to go that way) thus was stronger with the force... As Anakin his frustration was arguably a mental barrier, meaning he needed to use things like the hand gesture against Obi Wan. As Vader, with his Sith training "complete" he is not only more powerful but has no reservation or frustration holding him back, thus his force use is easier. The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use, it's part of the lure.
Likewise Luke can simply steeple his hands and use his Jedi mind trick while Obi Wan and Qui Gon had to use their hands to focus, despite him not believing his training complete. What isn't mentioned is Padme's level of Force "use", it's not a plot point but it's conceivable that as Queen of Naboo she'd have some level of Force affinity to be able to unite her people and is unusually perceptive.
As Anakin and Padme's offspring, Luke would arguably be the most powerful Jedi who ever lived. Mace Windu arguably had that distinction prior as his Force use was the most akin to Luke and Vader's, had he not died, conceivably he would have replaced Yoda as the leader on merit eventually.
Yoda, despite being the leader of the Jedi needed to use his focusing to lift Luke's X-Wing, possibly due to his age but also it may have been relative to his physical size.
Realistically though, no hand motion would be required but it would help the individual.
"The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use", I hate this idea because it's a pessimistic view of the world, The world is much easier than we think, but we tend to complicate things.
– johan.i.zahri
Jun 13 '17 at 4:18
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No it's not. But it is like a form of triggering, take Johnny Wilkinson's trademark pose before taking a kick on the Rugby field or Bruce Lee's scream, a Potterverse Wizard/Witches Patronus animal or Wand choice or a singer's face when they hit big notes.
It's the "harnessing and focusing" your Chi/Force concept and reflects the actual effort involved in a use of the force. Some find things extremely easy while others will find great effort reflected physically.
Someone like Vader can hurl objects and still "fight", this is because he was always "the chosen one" (had the highest Midichlorian count if you want to go that way) thus was stronger with the force... As Anakin his frustration was arguably a mental barrier, meaning he needed to use things like the hand gesture against Obi Wan. As Vader, with his Sith training "complete" he is not only more powerful but has no reservation or frustration holding him back, thus his force use is easier. The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use, it's part of the lure.
Likewise Luke can simply steeple his hands and use his Jedi mind trick while Obi Wan and Qui Gon had to use their hands to focus, despite him not believing his training complete. What isn't mentioned is Padme's level of Force "use", it's not a plot point but it's conceivable that as Queen of Naboo she'd have some level of Force affinity to be able to unite her people and is unusually perceptive.
As Anakin and Padme's offspring, Luke would arguably be the most powerful Jedi who ever lived. Mace Windu arguably had that distinction prior as his Force use was the most akin to Luke and Vader's, had he not died, conceivably he would have replaced Yoda as the leader on merit eventually.
Yoda, despite being the leader of the Jedi needed to use his focusing to lift Luke's X-Wing, possibly due to his age but also it may have been relative to his physical size.
Realistically though, no hand motion would be required but it would help the individual.
"The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use", I hate this idea because it's a pessimistic view of the world, The world is much easier than we think, but we tend to complicate things.
– johan.i.zahri
Jun 13 '17 at 4:18
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No it's not. But it is like a form of triggering, take Johnny Wilkinson's trademark pose before taking a kick on the Rugby field or Bruce Lee's scream, a Potterverse Wizard/Witches Patronus animal or Wand choice or a singer's face when they hit big notes.
It's the "harnessing and focusing" your Chi/Force concept and reflects the actual effort involved in a use of the force. Some find things extremely easy while others will find great effort reflected physically.
Someone like Vader can hurl objects and still "fight", this is because he was always "the chosen one" (had the highest Midichlorian count if you want to go that way) thus was stronger with the force... As Anakin his frustration was arguably a mental barrier, meaning he needed to use things like the hand gesture against Obi Wan. As Vader, with his Sith training "complete" he is not only more powerful but has no reservation or frustration holding him back, thus his force use is easier. The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use, it's part of the lure.
Likewise Luke can simply steeple his hands and use his Jedi mind trick while Obi Wan and Qui Gon had to use their hands to focus, despite him not believing his training complete. What isn't mentioned is Padme's level of Force "use", it's not a plot point but it's conceivable that as Queen of Naboo she'd have some level of Force affinity to be able to unite her people and is unusually perceptive.
As Anakin and Padme's offspring, Luke would arguably be the most powerful Jedi who ever lived. Mace Windu arguably had that distinction prior as his Force use was the most akin to Luke and Vader's, had he not died, conceivably he would have replaced Yoda as the leader on merit eventually.
Yoda, despite being the leader of the Jedi needed to use his focusing to lift Luke's X-Wing, possibly due to his age but also it may have been relative to his physical size.
Realistically though, no hand motion would be required but it would help the individual.
No it's not. But it is like a form of triggering, take Johnny Wilkinson's trademark pose before taking a kick on the Rugby field or Bruce Lee's scream, a Potterverse Wizard/Witches Patronus animal or Wand choice or a singer's face when they hit big notes.
It's the "harnessing and focusing" your Chi/Force concept and reflects the actual effort involved in a use of the force. Some find things extremely easy while others will find great effort reflected physically.
Someone like Vader can hurl objects and still "fight", this is because he was always "the chosen one" (had the highest Midichlorian count if you want to go that way) thus was stronger with the force... As Anakin his frustration was arguably a mental barrier, meaning he needed to use things like the hand gesture against Obi Wan. As Vader, with his Sith training "complete" he is not only more powerful but has no reservation or frustration holding him back, thus his force use is easier. The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use, it's part of the lure.
Likewise Luke can simply steeple his hands and use his Jedi mind trick while Obi Wan and Qui Gon had to use their hands to focus, despite him not believing his training complete. What isn't mentioned is Padme's level of Force "use", it's not a plot point but it's conceivable that as Queen of Naboo she'd have some level of Force affinity to be able to unite her people and is unusually perceptive.
As Anakin and Padme's offspring, Luke would arguably be the most powerful Jedi who ever lived. Mace Windu arguably had that distinction prior as his Force use was the most akin to Luke and Vader's, had he not died, conceivably he would have replaced Yoda as the leader on merit eventually.
Yoda, despite being the leader of the Jedi needed to use his focusing to lift Luke's X-Wing, possibly due to his age but also it may have been relative to his physical size.
Realistically though, no hand motion would be required but it would help the individual.
answered Jan 17 '15 at 23:50
"The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use", I hate this idea because it's a pessimistic view of the world, The world is much easier than we think, but we tend to complicate things.
– johan.i.zahri
Jun 13 '17 at 4:18
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"The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use", I hate this idea because it's a pessimistic view of the world, The world is much easier than we think, but we tend to complicate things.
– johan.i.zahri
Jun 13 '17 at 4:18
"The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use", I hate this idea because it's a pessimistic view of the world, The world is much easier than we think, but we tend to complicate things.
– johan.i.zahri
Jun 13 '17 at 4:18
"The Dark Side is also likely inherently easier to use", I hate this idea because it's a pessimistic view of the world, The world is much easier than we think, but we tend to complicate things.
– johan.i.zahri
Jun 13 '17 at 4:18
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Hand movements are not necessary. As seen throughout the films (all 6 of them) and also clone wars and rebels: Hand movements are used MOST of the time (for telekinesis, but also force persuasion as seen in episode 1 with the gungan queen, wato,... and almost every other episode too).
BUT there are also cases where no hand movement was made:
- Luke lifts C3-PO into the air during film no 6.
- Luke lifts stones into the air during episode 5.
- Anakin crushes the laboratory at the end of episode 3.
To name a few.
So why do they do make these movements if they are not necessary? It seems like from the films that it is because of focus and nothing more. When they do hand movements they can be large movements or just miniscule movments. When they make no hand movement at all then they close their eyes and concentrate. So it looks like the hand movement has a similar function to them closing their eyes and concentrating which points solely into the direction of focus. Thus closing their eyes and concentrate focuses their power as does a ritualized hand movement.
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Hand movements are not necessary. As seen throughout the films (all 6 of them) and also clone wars and rebels: Hand movements are used MOST of the time (for telekinesis, but also force persuasion as seen in episode 1 with the gungan queen, wato,... and almost every other episode too).
BUT there are also cases where no hand movement was made:
- Luke lifts C3-PO into the air during film no 6.
- Luke lifts stones into the air during episode 5.
- Anakin crushes the laboratory at the end of episode 3.
To name a few.
So why do they do make these movements if they are not necessary? It seems like from the films that it is because of focus and nothing more. When they do hand movements they can be large movements or just miniscule movments. When they make no hand movement at all then they close their eyes and concentrate. So it looks like the hand movement has a similar function to them closing their eyes and concentrating which points solely into the direction of focus. Thus closing their eyes and concentrate focuses their power as does a ritualized hand movement.
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Hand movements are not necessary. As seen throughout the films (all 6 of them) and also clone wars and rebels: Hand movements are used MOST of the time (for telekinesis, but also force persuasion as seen in episode 1 with the gungan queen, wato,... and almost every other episode too).
BUT there are also cases where no hand movement was made:
- Luke lifts C3-PO into the air during film no 6.
- Luke lifts stones into the air during episode 5.
- Anakin crushes the laboratory at the end of episode 3.
To name a few.
So why do they do make these movements if they are not necessary? It seems like from the films that it is because of focus and nothing more. When they do hand movements they can be large movements or just miniscule movments. When they make no hand movement at all then they close their eyes and concentrate. So it looks like the hand movement has a similar function to them closing their eyes and concentrating which points solely into the direction of focus. Thus closing their eyes and concentrate focuses their power as does a ritualized hand movement.
Hand movements are not necessary. As seen throughout the films (all 6 of them) and also clone wars and rebels: Hand movements are used MOST of the time (for telekinesis, but also force persuasion as seen in episode 1 with the gungan queen, wato,... and almost every other episode too).
BUT there are also cases where no hand movement was made:
- Luke lifts C3-PO into the air during film no 6.
- Luke lifts stones into the air during episode 5.
- Anakin crushes the laboratory at the end of episode 3.
To name a few.
So why do they do make these movements if they are not necessary? It seems like from the films that it is because of focus and nothing more. When they do hand movements they can be large movements or just miniscule movments. When they make no hand movement at all then they close their eyes and concentrate. So it looks like the hand movement has a similar function to them closing their eyes and concentrating which points solely into the direction of focus. Thus closing their eyes and concentrate focuses their power as does a ritualized hand movement.
answered Jan 18 '15 at 17:31
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You use the Force in more ways that moving dumb objects. Anytime you do lightsaber combat you use the Force
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:42
@DVK Are hand motions required to do lightsaber combat? I'd say so. (Although there are some EU/Legends exceptions.)
– KSmarts
Jan 16 '15 at 18:47
@KSmarts - Not really. If you look at details in novelizations, the hand motions are the RESULT of using the Force, not the cause
– DVK-on-Ahch-To
Jan 16 '15 at 18:52
It's also not necessary to press your fingers on your temples to concentrate, and yet people often do it
– Hagen von Eitzen
Jan 16 '15 at 21:22