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Simple device (fancy) pointer implementation

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device_raw_ptr is a simple fancy pointer. It essentially wrap pointers to GPU memory. It's sole purpose is to separate out host pointers from device pointers, i.e. they should not be inter-convertible and must not be dereferenced. At the same time, they should be zero-cost (with respect to raw host pointers) and be maximally compatible with regular pointers.

Helper class:

template <class T>
struct equality_operators {
** The deriving class must implement the following:
** friend bool operator==(const T&, const T&);

friend bool operator!=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs == rhs); }

template <class T>
struct less_than_operators {
** The deriving class must implement the following:
** friend bool operator<(const T&, const T&);

friend bool operator>(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }
friend bool operator<=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs > rhs); }
friend bool operator>=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs < rhs); }

template <class T>
struct relational_operators : equality_operators<T>, less_than_operators<T> { };

device_raw_ptr implementation:

template <class T>
class device_raw_ptr : public relational_operators<T> {
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<T>::value, "T must satisfy StandardLayoutType");
using element_type = std::remove_extent_t<T>;

constexpr device_raw_ptr() noexcept = default;
constexpr device_raw_ptr(std::nullptr_t) noexcept : ptr { nullptr } { }
constexpr device_raw_ptr(const device_raw_ptr& other) noexcept = default;
explicit device_raw_ptr(element_type* ptr_) noexcept : ptr{ ptr_ } { }
device_raw_ptr(device_raw_ptr&& other) noexcept : ptr{ other.ptr } { other.reset(); }

device_raw_ptr& operator=(const device_raw_ptr& other) noexcept {
swap(device_raw_ptr(other), *this);
return *this;

device_raw_ptr& operator=(device_raw_ptr&& other) noexcept {
swap(device_raw_ptr(other), *this);
return *this;

void reset() noexcept { ptr = nullptr; }
void reset(T* ptr_) noexcept { ptr = ptr_; }

element_type* get() noexcept { return ptr; };
const element_type* get() const noexcept { return ptr; }

friend void swap(device_raw_ptr& lhs, device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept {
using std::swap;
std::swap(lhs.ptr, rhs.ptr);

explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return static_cast<bool>(ptr); }

device_raw_ptr& operator++() noexcept {
return *this;

device_raw_ptr operator++(int) noexcept {
device_raw_ptr tmp(*this);
return tmp;

device_raw_ptr& operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
ptr += offset;
return *this;

device_raw_ptr& operator-=(std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
ptr -= offset;
return *this;

friend device_raw_ptr& operator+(device_raw_ptr lhs, std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
lhs += offset;
return lhs;

friend device_raw_ptr& operator-(device_raw_ptr lhs, std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
lhs -= offset;
return lhs;

/* required by relational_operators base class */
friend bool operator==(const device_raw_ptr& lhs, const device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.ptr == rhs.ptr; }
friend bool operator<(const device_raw_ptr& lhs, const device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.ptr < rhs.ptr; }

T *ptr;

template <class T, class U, class V>
std::basic_ostream<U, V>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<U, V>& os, const device_raw_ptr<T>& other) {
os << other.get() << " (device)";
return os;

I am also looking for suggestions on how to order different things inside a class.

Might it be better to initialize with nullptr instead of the default constructor. This breaks compatibility but I think it might be worth considering the compiler would mostly optimize the assignment if it's immediately overwritten.

share|improve this question

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Yashas is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • $begingroup$
    I just noticed that I am passing rvalues to swap which accepts non-const lvalue as arguments. You can find it in the copy & move constructor.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago



device_raw_ptr is a simple fancy pointer. It essentially wrap pointers to GPU memory. It's sole purpose is to separate out host pointers from device pointers, i.e. they should not be inter-convertible and must not be dereferenced. At the same time, they should be zero-cost (with respect to raw host pointers) and be maximally compatible with regular pointers.

Helper class:

template <class T>
struct equality_operators {
** The deriving class must implement the following:
** friend bool operator==(const T&, const T&);

friend bool operator!=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs == rhs); }

template <class T>
struct less_than_operators {
** The deriving class must implement the following:
** friend bool operator<(const T&, const T&);

friend bool operator>(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }
friend bool operator<=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs > rhs); }
friend bool operator>=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs < rhs); }

template <class T>
struct relational_operators : equality_operators<T>, less_than_operators<T> { };

device_raw_ptr implementation:

template <class T>
class device_raw_ptr : public relational_operators<T> {
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<T>::value, "T must satisfy StandardLayoutType");
using element_type = std::remove_extent_t<T>;

constexpr device_raw_ptr() noexcept = default;
constexpr device_raw_ptr(std::nullptr_t) noexcept : ptr { nullptr } { }
constexpr device_raw_ptr(const device_raw_ptr& other) noexcept = default;
explicit device_raw_ptr(element_type* ptr_) noexcept : ptr{ ptr_ } { }
device_raw_ptr(device_raw_ptr&& other) noexcept : ptr{ other.ptr } { other.reset(); }

device_raw_ptr& operator=(const device_raw_ptr& other) noexcept {
swap(device_raw_ptr(other), *this);
return *this;

device_raw_ptr& operator=(device_raw_ptr&& other) noexcept {
swap(device_raw_ptr(other), *this);
return *this;

void reset() noexcept { ptr = nullptr; }
void reset(T* ptr_) noexcept { ptr = ptr_; }

element_type* get() noexcept { return ptr; };
const element_type* get() const noexcept { return ptr; }

friend void swap(device_raw_ptr& lhs, device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept {
using std::swap;
std::swap(lhs.ptr, rhs.ptr);

explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return static_cast<bool>(ptr); }

device_raw_ptr& operator++() noexcept {
return *this;

device_raw_ptr operator++(int) noexcept {
device_raw_ptr tmp(*this);
return tmp;

device_raw_ptr& operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
ptr += offset;
return *this;

device_raw_ptr& operator-=(std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
ptr -= offset;
return *this;

friend device_raw_ptr& operator+(device_raw_ptr lhs, std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
lhs += offset;
return lhs;

friend device_raw_ptr& operator-(device_raw_ptr lhs, std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
lhs -= offset;
return lhs;

/* required by relational_operators base class */
friend bool operator==(const device_raw_ptr& lhs, const device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.ptr == rhs.ptr; }
friend bool operator<(const device_raw_ptr& lhs, const device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.ptr < rhs.ptr; }

T *ptr;

template <class T, class U, class V>
std::basic_ostream<U, V>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<U, V>& os, const device_raw_ptr<T>& other) {
os << other.get() << " (device)";
return os;

I am also looking for suggestions on how to order different things inside a class.

Might it be better to initialize with nullptr instead of the default constructor. This breaks compatibility but I think it might be worth considering the compiler would mostly optimize the assignment if it's immediately overwritten.

share|improve this question

New contributor

Yashas is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • $begingroup$
    I just noticed that I am passing rvalues to swap which accepts non-const lvalue as arguments. You can find it in the copy & move constructor.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago





device_raw_ptr is a simple fancy pointer. It essentially wrap pointers to GPU memory. It's sole purpose is to separate out host pointers from device pointers, i.e. they should not be inter-convertible and must not be dereferenced. At the same time, they should be zero-cost (with respect to raw host pointers) and be maximally compatible with regular pointers.

Helper class:

template <class T>
struct equality_operators {
** The deriving class must implement the following:
** friend bool operator==(const T&, const T&);

friend bool operator!=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs == rhs); }

template <class T>
struct less_than_operators {
** The deriving class must implement the following:
** friend bool operator<(const T&, const T&);

friend bool operator>(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }
friend bool operator<=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs > rhs); }
friend bool operator>=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs < rhs); }

template <class T>
struct relational_operators : equality_operators<T>, less_than_operators<T> { };

device_raw_ptr implementation:

template <class T>
class device_raw_ptr : public relational_operators<T> {
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<T>::value, "T must satisfy StandardLayoutType");
using element_type = std::remove_extent_t<T>;

constexpr device_raw_ptr() noexcept = default;
constexpr device_raw_ptr(std::nullptr_t) noexcept : ptr { nullptr } { }
constexpr device_raw_ptr(const device_raw_ptr& other) noexcept = default;
explicit device_raw_ptr(element_type* ptr_) noexcept : ptr{ ptr_ } { }
device_raw_ptr(device_raw_ptr&& other) noexcept : ptr{ other.ptr } { other.reset(); }

device_raw_ptr& operator=(const device_raw_ptr& other) noexcept {
swap(device_raw_ptr(other), *this);
return *this;

device_raw_ptr& operator=(device_raw_ptr&& other) noexcept {
swap(device_raw_ptr(other), *this);
return *this;

void reset() noexcept { ptr = nullptr; }
void reset(T* ptr_) noexcept { ptr = ptr_; }

element_type* get() noexcept { return ptr; };
const element_type* get() const noexcept { return ptr; }

friend void swap(device_raw_ptr& lhs, device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept {
using std::swap;
std::swap(lhs.ptr, rhs.ptr);

explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return static_cast<bool>(ptr); }

device_raw_ptr& operator++() noexcept {
return *this;

device_raw_ptr operator++(int) noexcept {
device_raw_ptr tmp(*this);
return tmp;

device_raw_ptr& operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
ptr += offset;
return *this;

device_raw_ptr& operator-=(std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
ptr -= offset;
return *this;

friend device_raw_ptr& operator+(device_raw_ptr lhs, std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
lhs += offset;
return lhs;

friend device_raw_ptr& operator-(device_raw_ptr lhs, std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
lhs -= offset;
return lhs;

/* required by relational_operators base class */
friend bool operator==(const device_raw_ptr& lhs, const device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.ptr == rhs.ptr; }
friend bool operator<(const device_raw_ptr& lhs, const device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.ptr < rhs.ptr; }

T *ptr;

template <class T, class U, class V>
std::basic_ostream<U, V>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<U, V>& os, const device_raw_ptr<T>& other) {
os << other.get() << " (device)";
return os;

I am also looking for suggestions on how to order different things inside a class.

Might it be better to initialize with nullptr instead of the default constructor. This breaks compatibility but I think it might be worth considering the compiler would mostly optimize the assignment if it's immediately overwritten.

share|improve this question

New contributor

Yashas is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


device_raw_ptr is a simple fancy pointer. It essentially wrap pointers to GPU memory. It's sole purpose is to separate out host pointers from device pointers, i.e. they should not be inter-convertible and must not be dereferenced. At the same time, they should be zero-cost (with respect to raw host pointers) and be maximally compatible with regular pointers.

Helper class:

template <class T>
struct equality_operators {
** The deriving class must implement the following:
** friend bool operator==(const T&, const T&);

friend bool operator!=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs == rhs); }

template <class T>
struct less_than_operators {
** The deriving class must implement the following:
** friend bool operator<(const T&, const T&);

friend bool operator>(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }
friend bool operator<=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs > rhs); }
friend bool operator>=(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return !static_cast<bool>(lhs < rhs); }

template <class T>
struct relational_operators : equality_operators<T>, less_than_operators<T> { };

device_raw_ptr implementation:

template <class T>
class device_raw_ptr : public relational_operators<T> {
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<T>::value, "T must satisfy StandardLayoutType");
using element_type = std::remove_extent_t<T>;

constexpr device_raw_ptr() noexcept = default;
constexpr device_raw_ptr(std::nullptr_t) noexcept : ptr { nullptr } { }
constexpr device_raw_ptr(const device_raw_ptr& other) noexcept = default;
explicit device_raw_ptr(element_type* ptr_) noexcept : ptr{ ptr_ } { }
device_raw_ptr(device_raw_ptr&& other) noexcept : ptr{ other.ptr } { other.reset(); }

device_raw_ptr& operator=(const device_raw_ptr& other) noexcept {
swap(device_raw_ptr(other), *this);
return *this;

device_raw_ptr& operator=(device_raw_ptr&& other) noexcept {
swap(device_raw_ptr(other), *this);
return *this;

void reset() noexcept { ptr = nullptr; }
void reset(T* ptr_) noexcept { ptr = ptr_; }

element_type* get() noexcept { return ptr; };
const element_type* get() const noexcept { return ptr; }

friend void swap(device_raw_ptr& lhs, device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept {
using std::swap;
std::swap(lhs.ptr, rhs.ptr);

explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return static_cast<bool>(ptr); }

device_raw_ptr& operator++() noexcept {
return *this;

device_raw_ptr operator++(int) noexcept {
device_raw_ptr tmp(*this);
return tmp;

device_raw_ptr& operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
ptr += offset;
return *this;

device_raw_ptr& operator-=(std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
ptr -= offset;
return *this;

friend device_raw_ptr& operator+(device_raw_ptr lhs, std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
lhs += offset;
return lhs;

friend device_raw_ptr& operator-(device_raw_ptr lhs, std::ptrdiff_t offset) noexcept {
lhs -= offset;
return lhs;

/* required by relational_operators base class */
friend bool operator==(const device_raw_ptr& lhs, const device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.ptr == rhs.ptr; }
friend bool operator<(const device_raw_ptr& lhs, const device_raw_ptr& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.ptr < rhs.ptr; }

T *ptr;

template <class T, class U, class V>
std::basic_ostream<U, V>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<U, V>& os, const device_raw_ptr<T>& other) {
os << other.get() << " (device)";
return os;

I am also looking for suggestions on how to order different things inside a class.

Might it be better to initialize with nullptr instead of the default constructor. This breaks compatibility but I think it might be worth considering the compiler would mostly optimize the assignment if it's immediately overwritten.

c++ c++11 pointers

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Yashas is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Yashas is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited 5 hours ago




New contributor

Yashas is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 6 hours ago




New contributor

Yashas is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Yashas is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Yashas is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • $begingroup$
    I just noticed that I am passing rvalues to swap which accepts non-const lvalue as arguments. You can find it in the copy & move constructor.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    I just noticed that I am passing rvalues to swap which accepts non-const lvalue as arguments. You can find it in the copy & move constructor.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

I just noticed that I am passing rvalues to swap which accepts non-const lvalue as arguments. You can find it in the copy & move constructor.
– Yashas
5 hours ago

I just noticed that I am passing rvalues to swap which accepts non-const lvalue as arguments. You can find it in the copy & move constructor.
– Yashas
5 hours ago

2 Answers






Helper classes

There is no need to use static_cast<bool> for your comparisons. The relational operators are already bool values. (If they are not, that is a problem with the definition of the operator for the type T.)

The standard <utility> header provides definitions for operator!= (from operator==) and operator>, operator<=, and operator>= (from operator<). There is no need for you to define those four operators if you have the other two (equality and less-than).

Why do you have the relational_operators struct at all? It shouldn't be necessary.


The default constructor for device_raw_ptr leaves the ptr member uninitialized. Typically a class like this would initialize ptr to nullptr, and you wouldn't need the constructor that takes a std::nullptr_t object.

The copy assignment operator should just be ptr = other.ptr, since that is the only thing in your class. The way you have it is nonstandard behavior. You construct a temporary, then pass it as a non-const reference to swap. This is not supported as part of the language, although some compilers (MSVC) support it as an extension. You're constructing a temporary, doing a swap, then destroying the temporary (a noop in this case). Similarly, the move assignment operator can be simplified to not use the temporary (ptr = other.ptr; other.reset();, or use three statements with an assignment to a local to avoid problems if you move assign an object to itself).

operator bool does not need a static_cast. Perhaps an explicit ptr != nullptr check, although a pointer will implicitly convert to a bool.

share|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    I thought using std::rel_ops is generally frowned upon. suggests using boost:operators. I wrote my own version instead.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    The default constructor leaves ptr unitialized because that's how raw pointers behave (initialized with garbage?). But I am considering the option of initializing it to nullptr. The std::nullptr_t is a consequence of the aforementioned statement. I intended to have a constexpr constructor which sets ptr to nullptr.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    For the abuse of swap, I made started (…) using temporaries right after I posted the question. It was an attempt to reuse the constructors to perform move/copy but I think it was overkill for such a simple class.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Yashas std::rel_ops is there to avoid having duplicate definitions of those relational operators. If a class does not want some of them (as mentioned in your linked question), then it should define all of them, and = delete the ones it doesn't want to support. But its up to you to decide how to implement them.
    – 1201ProgramAlarm
    5 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Yashas leaving raw pointer uninitialized is, generally, a bad idea. The cost of assigning a nullptr someplace where it isn't strictly necessary is outweighed by the predictability and consistent (mis)behavior the NULL value will give you.
    – 1201ProgramAlarm
    5 hours ago



  1. device_raw_ptr is extremely cheap to copy, so remove all hints of move-semantics and use of swap().

  2. Now you can remove the copy-constructor and copy-assignment, as there is no need to explicitly declare them. Especially making them user-defined must be avoided to keep them trivial.

  3. Kudos on trying to use the approved two-step for swap(). Though you get a failing grade anyway because you bungled it by using a qualified call in the second part. Hopefully, C++20 will abolish that nonsense by introducing customization point objects.

  4. Yes, you should pass your device_raw_ptr by value if you have the choice, as it is a tiny trivial type. Still, refrain from returning a reference to such a temporary.

  5. There is no reason operator-(device_raw_ptr, std::ptrdiff_t) should not be constexpr. Aside from your implementation for some reason delegating to operator-=, which is not. Same for operator+ which uses operator+=.

  6. Is there any reason you don't support subtracting a device_raw_ptr from another?

  7. I'm really puzzled why you make the only data-member protected instead of private.

share|improve this answer


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    2 Answers




    2 Answers












    Helper classes

    There is no need to use static_cast<bool> for your comparisons. The relational operators are already bool values. (If they are not, that is a problem with the definition of the operator for the type T.)

    The standard <utility> header provides definitions for operator!= (from operator==) and operator>, operator<=, and operator>= (from operator<). There is no need for you to define those four operators if you have the other two (equality and less-than).

    Why do you have the relational_operators struct at all? It shouldn't be necessary.


    The default constructor for device_raw_ptr leaves the ptr member uninitialized. Typically a class like this would initialize ptr to nullptr, and you wouldn't need the constructor that takes a std::nullptr_t object.

    The copy assignment operator should just be ptr = other.ptr, since that is the only thing in your class. The way you have it is nonstandard behavior. You construct a temporary, then pass it as a non-const reference to swap. This is not supported as part of the language, although some compilers (MSVC) support it as an extension. You're constructing a temporary, doing a swap, then destroying the temporary (a noop in this case). Similarly, the move assignment operator can be simplified to not use the temporary (ptr = other.ptr; other.reset();, or use three statements with an assignment to a local to avoid problems if you move assign an object to itself).

    operator bool does not need a static_cast. Perhaps an explicit ptr != nullptr check, although a pointer will implicitly convert to a bool.

    share|improve this answer


    • $begingroup$
      I thought using std::rel_ops is generally frowned upon. suggests using boost:operators. I wrote my own version instead.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      The default constructor leaves ptr unitialized because that's how raw pointers behave (initialized with garbage?). But I am considering the option of initializing it to nullptr. The std::nullptr_t is a consequence of the aforementioned statement. I intended to have a constexpr constructor which sets ptr to nullptr.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      For the abuse of swap, I made started (…) using temporaries right after I posted the question. It was an attempt to reuse the constructors to perform move/copy but I think it was overkill for such a simple class.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Yashas std::rel_ops is there to avoid having duplicate definitions of those relational operators. If a class does not want some of them (as mentioned in your linked question), then it should define all of them, and = delete the ones it doesn't want to support. But its up to you to decide how to implement them.
      – 1201ProgramAlarm
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Yashas leaving raw pointer uninitialized is, generally, a bad idea. The cost of assigning a nullptr someplace where it isn't strictly necessary is outweighed by the predictability and consistent (mis)behavior the NULL value will give you.
      – 1201ProgramAlarm
      5 hours ago



    Helper classes

    There is no need to use static_cast<bool> for your comparisons. The relational operators are already bool values. (If they are not, that is a problem with the definition of the operator for the type T.)

    The standard <utility> header provides definitions for operator!= (from operator==) and operator>, operator<=, and operator>= (from operator<). There is no need for you to define those four operators if you have the other two (equality and less-than).

    Why do you have the relational_operators struct at all? It shouldn't be necessary.


    The default constructor for device_raw_ptr leaves the ptr member uninitialized. Typically a class like this would initialize ptr to nullptr, and you wouldn't need the constructor that takes a std::nullptr_t object.

    The copy assignment operator should just be ptr = other.ptr, since that is the only thing in your class. The way you have it is nonstandard behavior. You construct a temporary, then pass it as a non-const reference to swap. This is not supported as part of the language, although some compilers (MSVC) support it as an extension. You're constructing a temporary, doing a swap, then destroying the temporary (a noop in this case). Similarly, the move assignment operator can be simplified to not use the temporary (ptr = other.ptr; other.reset();, or use three statements with an assignment to a local to avoid problems if you move assign an object to itself).

    operator bool does not need a static_cast. Perhaps an explicit ptr != nullptr check, although a pointer will implicitly convert to a bool.

    share|improve this answer


    • $begingroup$
      I thought using std::rel_ops is generally frowned upon. suggests using boost:operators. I wrote my own version instead.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      The default constructor leaves ptr unitialized because that's how raw pointers behave (initialized with garbage?). But I am considering the option of initializing it to nullptr. The std::nullptr_t is a consequence of the aforementioned statement. I intended to have a constexpr constructor which sets ptr to nullptr.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      For the abuse of swap, I made started (…) using temporaries right after I posted the question. It was an attempt to reuse the constructors to perform move/copy but I think it was overkill for such a simple class.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Yashas std::rel_ops is there to avoid having duplicate definitions of those relational operators. If a class does not want some of them (as mentioned in your linked question), then it should define all of them, and = delete the ones it doesn't want to support. But its up to you to decide how to implement them.
      – 1201ProgramAlarm
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Yashas leaving raw pointer uninitialized is, generally, a bad idea. The cost of assigning a nullptr someplace where it isn't strictly necessary is outweighed by the predictability and consistent (mis)behavior the NULL value will give you.
      – 1201ProgramAlarm
      5 hours ago





    Helper classes

    There is no need to use static_cast<bool> for your comparisons. The relational operators are already bool values. (If they are not, that is a problem with the definition of the operator for the type T.)

    The standard <utility> header provides definitions for operator!= (from operator==) and operator>, operator<=, and operator>= (from operator<). There is no need for you to define those four operators if you have the other two (equality and less-than).

    Why do you have the relational_operators struct at all? It shouldn't be necessary.


    The default constructor for device_raw_ptr leaves the ptr member uninitialized. Typically a class like this would initialize ptr to nullptr, and you wouldn't need the constructor that takes a std::nullptr_t object.

    The copy assignment operator should just be ptr = other.ptr, since that is the only thing in your class. The way you have it is nonstandard behavior. You construct a temporary, then pass it as a non-const reference to swap. This is not supported as part of the language, although some compilers (MSVC) support it as an extension. You're constructing a temporary, doing a swap, then destroying the temporary (a noop in this case). Similarly, the move assignment operator can be simplified to not use the temporary (ptr = other.ptr; other.reset();, or use three statements with an assignment to a local to avoid problems if you move assign an object to itself).

    operator bool does not need a static_cast. Perhaps an explicit ptr != nullptr check, although a pointer will implicitly convert to a bool.

    share|improve this answer


    Helper classes

    There is no need to use static_cast<bool> for your comparisons. The relational operators are already bool values. (If they are not, that is a problem with the definition of the operator for the type T.)

    The standard <utility> header provides definitions for operator!= (from operator==) and operator>, operator<=, and operator>= (from operator<). There is no need for you to define those four operators if you have the other two (equality and less-than).

    Why do you have the relational_operators struct at all? It shouldn't be necessary.


    The default constructor for device_raw_ptr leaves the ptr member uninitialized. Typically a class like this would initialize ptr to nullptr, and you wouldn't need the constructor that takes a std::nullptr_t object.

    The copy assignment operator should just be ptr = other.ptr, since that is the only thing in your class. The way you have it is nonstandard behavior. You construct a temporary, then pass it as a non-const reference to swap. This is not supported as part of the language, although some compilers (MSVC) support it as an extension. You're constructing a temporary, doing a swap, then destroying the temporary (a noop in this case). Similarly, the move assignment operator can be simplified to not use the temporary (ptr = other.ptr; other.reset();, or use three statements with an assignment to a local to avoid problems if you move assign an object to itself).

    operator bool does not need a static_cast. Perhaps an explicit ptr != nullptr check, although a pointer will implicitly convert to a bool.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered 5 hours ago




    • $begingroup$
      I thought using std::rel_ops is generally frowned upon. suggests using boost:operators. I wrote my own version instead.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      The default constructor leaves ptr unitialized because that's how raw pointers behave (initialized with garbage?). But I am considering the option of initializing it to nullptr. The std::nullptr_t is a consequence of the aforementioned statement. I intended to have a constexpr constructor which sets ptr to nullptr.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      For the abuse of swap, I made started (…) using temporaries right after I posted the question. It was an attempt to reuse the constructors to perform move/copy but I think it was overkill for such a simple class.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Yashas std::rel_ops is there to avoid having duplicate definitions of those relational operators. If a class does not want some of them (as mentioned in your linked question), then it should define all of them, and = delete the ones it doesn't want to support. But its up to you to decide how to implement them.
      – 1201ProgramAlarm
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Yashas leaving raw pointer uninitialized is, generally, a bad idea. The cost of assigning a nullptr someplace where it isn't strictly necessary is outweighed by the predictability and consistent (mis)behavior the NULL value will give you.
      – 1201ProgramAlarm
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      I thought using std::rel_ops is generally frowned upon. suggests using boost:operators. I wrote my own version instead.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      The default constructor leaves ptr unitialized because that's how raw pointers behave (initialized with garbage?). But I am considering the option of initializing it to nullptr. The std::nullptr_t is a consequence of the aforementioned statement. I intended to have a constexpr constructor which sets ptr to nullptr.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      For the abuse of swap, I made started (…) using temporaries right after I posted the question. It was an attempt to reuse the constructors to perform move/copy but I think it was overkill for such a simple class.
      – Yashas
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Yashas std::rel_ops is there to avoid having duplicate definitions of those relational operators. If a class does not want some of them (as mentioned in your linked question), then it should define all of them, and = delete the ones it doesn't want to support. But its up to you to decide how to implement them.
      – 1201ProgramAlarm
      5 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Yashas leaving raw pointer uninitialized is, generally, a bad idea. The cost of assigning a nullptr someplace where it isn't strictly necessary is outweighed by the predictability and consistent (mis)behavior the NULL value will give you.
      – 1201ProgramAlarm
      5 hours ago

    I thought using std::rel_ops is generally frowned upon. suggests using boost:operators. I wrote my own version instead.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

    I thought using std::rel_ops is generally frowned upon. suggests using boost:operators. I wrote my own version instead.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

    The default constructor leaves ptr unitialized because that's how raw pointers behave (initialized with garbage?). But I am considering the option of initializing it to nullptr. The std::nullptr_t is a consequence of the aforementioned statement. I intended to have a constexpr constructor which sets ptr to nullptr.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

    The default constructor leaves ptr unitialized because that's how raw pointers behave (initialized with garbage?). But I am considering the option of initializing it to nullptr. The std::nullptr_t is a consequence of the aforementioned statement. I intended to have a constexpr constructor which sets ptr to nullptr.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

    For the abuse of swap, I made started (…) using temporaries right after I posted the question. It was an attempt to reuse the constructors to perform move/copy but I think it was overkill for such a simple class.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

    For the abuse of swap, I made started (…) using temporaries right after I posted the question. It was an attempt to reuse the constructors to perform move/copy but I think it was overkill for such a simple class.
    – Yashas
    5 hours ago

    @Yashas std::rel_ops is there to avoid having duplicate definitions of those relational operators. If a class does not want some of them (as mentioned in your linked question), then it should define all of them, and = delete the ones it doesn't want to support. But its up to you to decide how to implement them.
    – 1201ProgramAlarm
    5 hours ago

    @Yashas std::rel_ops is there to avoid having duplicate definitions of those relational operators. If a class does not want some of them (as mentioned in your linked question), then it should define all of them, and = delete the ones it doesn't want to support. But its up to you to decide how to implement them.
    – 1201ProgramAlarm
    5 hours ago

    @Yashas leaving raw pointer uninitialized is, generally, a bad idea. The cost of assigning a nullptr someplace where it isn't strictly necessary is outweighed by the predictability and consistent (mis)behavior the NULL value will give you.
    – 1201ProgramAlarm
    5 hours ago

    @Yashas leaving raw pointer uninitialized is, generally, a bad idea. The cost of assigning a nullptr someplace where it isn't strictly necessary is outweighed by the predictability and consistent (mis)behavior the NULL value will give you.
    – 1201ProgramAlarm
    5 hours ago



    1. device_raw_ptr is extremely cheap to copy, so remove all hints of move-semantics and use of swap().

    2. Now you can remove the copy-constructor and copy-assignment, as there is no need to explicitly declare them. Especially making them user-defined must be avoided to keep them trivial.

    3. Kudos on trying to use the approved two-step for swap(). Though you get a failing grade anyway because you bungled it by using a qualified call in the second part. Hopefully, C++20 will abolish that nonsense by introducing customization point objects.

    4. Yes, you should pass your device_raw_ptr by value if you have the choice, as it is a tiny trivial type. Still, refrain from returning a reference to such a temporary.

    5. There is no reason operator-(device_raw_ptr, std::ptrdiff_t) should not be constexpr. Aside from your implementation for some reason delegating to operator-=, which is not. Same for operator+ which uses operator+=.

    6. Is there any reason you don't support subtracting a device_raw_ptr from another?

    7. I'm really puzzled why you make the only data-member protected instead of private.

    share|improve this answer




      1. device_raw_ptr is extremely cheap to copy, so remove all hints of move-semantics and use of swap().

      2. Now you can remove the copy-constructor and copy-assignment, as there is no need to explicitly declare them. Especially making them user-defined must be avoided to keep them trivial.

      3. Kudos on trying to use the approved two-step for swap(). Though you get a failing grade anyway because you bungled it by using a qualified call in the second part. Hopefully, C++20 will abolish that nonsense by introducing customization point objects.

      4. Yes, you should pass your device_raw_ptr by value if you have the choice, as it is a tiny trivial type. Still, refrain from returning a reference to such a temporary.

      5. There is no reason operator-(device_raw_ptr, std::ptrdiff_t) should not be constexpr. Aside from your implementation for some reason delegating to operator-=, which is not. Same for operator+ which uses operator+=.

      6. Is there any reason you don't support subtracting a device_raw_ptr from another?

      7. I'm really puzzled why you make the only data-member protected instead of private.

      share|improve this answer






        1. device_raw_ptr is extremely cheap to copy, so remove all hints of move-semantics and use of swap().

        2. Now you can remove the copy-constructor and copy-assignment, as there is no need to explicitly declare them. Especially making them user-defined must be avoided to keep them trivial.

        3. Kudos on trying to use the approved two-step for swap(). Though you get a failing grade anyway because you bungled it by using a qualified call in the second part. Hopefully, C++20 will abolish that nonsense by introducing customization point objects.

        4. Yes, you should pass your device_raw_ptr by value if you have the choice, as it is a tiny trivial type. Still, refrain from returning a reference to such a temporary.

        5. There is no reason operator-(device_raw_ptr, std::ptrdiff_t) should not be constexpr. Aside from your implementation for some reason delegating to operator-=, which is not. Same for operator+ which uses operator+=.

        6. Is there any reason you don't support subtracting a device_raw_ptr from another?

        7. I'm really puzzled why you make the only data-member protected instead of private.

        share|improve this answer


        1. device_raw_ptr is extremely cheap to copy, so remove all hints of move-semantics and use of swap().

        2. Now you can remove the copy-constructor and copy-assignment, as there is no need to explicitly declare them. Especially making them user-defined must be avoided to keep them trivial.

        3. Kudos on trying to use the approved two-step for swap(). Though you get a failing grade anyway because you bungled it by using a qualified call in the second part. Hopefully, C++20 will abolish that nonsense by introducing customization point objects.

        4. Yes, you should pass your device_raw_ptr by value if you have the choice, as it is a tiny trivial type. Still, refrain from returning a reference to such a temporary.

        5. There is no reason operator-(device_raw_ptr, std::ptrdiff_t) should not be constexpr. Aside from your implementation for some reason delegating to operator-=, which is not. Same for operator+ which uses operator+=.

        6. Is there any reason you don't support subtracting a device_raw_ptr from another?

        7. I'm really puzzled why you make the only data-member protected instead of private.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 2 hours ago




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