How could Ron possibly believe that “Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow…” is a real spell? ...

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How could Ron possibly believe that “Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow…” is a real spell?

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In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, George convinces Ron that the following nonsensical poem is a spell:

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,

Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

But Ron has grown up in a wizarding home, and has presumably heard his parents and siblings using spells all his life. Every other spell, including simple household spells, has a short, Latinate (or occasionally English) incantation like Lumos, Aguamenti, Accio, Wingardium Leviosa, etc., etc. So how could he believe that this poem is a spell? Is there an in-universe explanation for this?

share|improve this question

  • 36

    Rons kind of stupid...

    – Himarm
    May 4 '15 at 13:31

  • 96

    Ron also half-believed they had to wrestle a troll for the Sorting. Dude was 11 years old, and basically hero-worshipped the twins. Plus, given their exploits, Fred and George could be convincing liars when they wanted to. Not the first case of a younger child believing something ridiculous on the word of an older sibling.

    – DavidS
    May 4 '15 at 13:35

  • 13

    Because he's a schmuck.

    – Valorum
    May 4 '15 at 14:13

  • 10

    Fred and George are master pranksters. Who’s to say one didn’t claim to demonstrate this spell on Scabbers, while the other cast a real colour change charm from the shadows?

    – alexwlchan
    May 4 '15 at 15:11

  • 5

    It might be that Ron actually did not knew much about spells. Recall that Weasley's are such a family where both parents and eldest children knew about the Triwizard Tournament, but did not let the youngsters know the secret on principle. It is perfectly possible that Weasley parents are taking special care not to expose their young children to magic until they come of schooling age.

    – sampathsris
    May 4 '15 at 15:33


In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, George convinces Ron that the following nonsensical poem is a spell:

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,

Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

But Ron has grown up in a wizarding home, and has presumably heard his parents and siblings using spells all his life. Every other spell, including simple household spells, has a short, Latinate (or occasionally English) incantation like Lumos, Aguamenti, Accio, Wingardium Leviosa, etc., etc. So how could he believe that this poem is a spell? Is there an in-universe explanation for this?

share|improve this question

  • 36

    Rons kind of stupid...

    – Himarm
    May 4 '15 at 13:31

  • 96

    Ron also half-believed they had to wrestle a troll for the Sorting. Dude was 11 years old, and basically hero-worshipped the twins. Plus, given their exploits, Fred and George could be convincing liars when they wanted to. Not the first case of a younger child believing something ridiculous on the word of an older sibling.

    – DavidS
    May 4 '15 at 13:35

  • 13

    Because he's a schmuck.

    – Valorum
    May 4 '15 at 14:13

  • 10

    Fred and George are master pranksters. Who’s to say one didn’t claim to demonstrate this spell on Scabbers, while the other cast a real colour change charm from the shadows?

    – alexwlchan
    May 4 '15 at 15:11

  • 5

    It might be that Ron actually did not knew much about spells. Recall that Weasley's are such a family where both parents and eldest children knew about the Triwizard Tournament, but did not let the youngsters know the secret on principle. It is perfectly possible that Weasley parents are taking special care not to expose their young children to magic until they come of schooling age.

    – sampathsris
    May 4 '15 at 15:33




In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, George convinces Ron that the following nonsensical poem is a spell:

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,

Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

But Ron has grown up in a wizarding home, and has presumably heard his parents and siblings using spells all his life. Every other spell, including simple household spells, has a short, Latinate (or occasionally English) incantation like Lumos, Aguamenti, Accio, Wingardium Leviosa, etc., etc. So how could he believe that this poem is a spell? Is there an in-universe explanation for this?

share|improve this question

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, George convinces Ron that the following nonsensical poem is a spell:

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,

Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

But Ron has grown up in a wizarding home, and has presumably heard his parents and siblings using spells all his life. Every other spell, including simple household spells, has a short, Latinate (or occasionally English) incantation like Lumos, Aguamenti, Accio, Wingardium Leviosa, etc., etc. So how could he believe that this poem is a spell? Is there an in-universe explanation for this?

harry-potter magic spells

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share|improve this question

asked May 4 '15 at 13:28




  • 36

    Rons kind of stupid...

    – Himarm
    May 4 '15 at 13:31

  • 96

    Ron also half-believed they had to wrestle a troll for the Sorting. Dude was 11 years old, and basically hero-worshipped the twins. Plus, given their exploits, Fred and George could be convincing liars when they wanted to. Not the first case of a younger child believing something ridiculous on the word of an older sibling.

    – DavidS
    May 4 '15 at 13:35

  • 13

    Because he's a schmuck.

    – Valorum
    May 4 '15 at 14:13

  • 10

    Fred and George are master pranksters. Who’s to say one didn’t claim to demonstrate this spell on Scabbers, while the other cast a real colour change charm from the shadows?

    – alexwlchan
    May 4 '15 at 15:11

  • 5

    It might be that Ron actually did not knew much about spells. Recall that Weasley's are such a family where both parents and eldest children knew about the Triwizard Tournament, but did not let the youngsters know the secret on principle. It is perfectly possible that Weasley parents are taking special care not to expose their young children to magic until they come of schooling age.

    – sampathsris
    May 4 '15 at 15:33

  • 36

    Rons kind of stupid...

    – Himarm
    May 4 '15 at 13:31

  • 96

    Ron also half-believed they had to wrestle a troll for the Sorting. Dude was 11 years old, and basically hero-worshipped the twins. Plus, given their exploits, Fred and George could be convincing liars when they wanted to. Not the first case of a younger child believing something ridiculous on the word of an older sibling.

    – DavidS
    May 4 '15 at 13:35

  • 13

    Because he's a schmuck.

    – Valorum
    May 4 '15 at 14:13

  • 10

    Fred and George are master pranksters. Who’s to say one didn’t claim to demonstrate this spell on Scabbers, while the other cast a real colour change charm from the shadows?

    – alexwlchan
    May 4 '15 at 15:11

  • 5

    It might be that Ron actually did not knew much about spells. Recall that Weasley's are such a family where both parents and eldest children knew about the Triwizard Tournament, but did not let the youngsters know the secret on principle. It is perfectly possible that Weasley parents are taking special care not to expose their young children to magic until they come of schooling age.

    – sampathsris
    May 4 '15 at 15:33



Rons kind of stupid...

– Himarm
May 4 '15 at 13:31

Rons kind of stupid...

– Himarm
May 4 '15 at 13:31



Ron also half-believed they had to wrestle a troll for the Sorting. Dude was 11 years old, and basically hero-worshipped the twins. Plus, given their exploits, Fred and George could be convincing liars when they wanted to. Not the first case of a younger child believing something ridiculous on the word of an older sibling.

– DavidS
May 4 '15 at 13:35

Ron also half-believed they had to wrestle a troll for the Sorting. Dude was 11 years old, and basically hero-worshipped the twins. Plus, given their exploits, Fred and George could be convincing liars when they wanted to. Not the first case of a younger child believing something ridiculous on the word of an older sibling.

– DavidS
May 4 '15 at 13:35



Because he's a schmuck.

– Valorum
May 4 '15 at 14:13

Because he's a schmuck.

– Valorum
May 4 '15 at 14:13



Fred and George are master pranksters. Who’s to say one didn’t claim to demonstrate this spell on Scabbers, while the other cast a real colour change charm from the shadows?

– alexwlchan
May 4 '15 at 15:11

Fred and George are master pranksters. Who’s to say one didn’t claim to demonstrate this spell on Scabbers, while the other cast a real colour change charm from the shadows?

– alexwlchan
May 4 '15 at 15:11



It might be that Ron actually did not knew much about spells. Recall that Weasley's are such a family where both parents and eldest children knew about the Triwizard Tournament, but did not let the youngsters know the secret on principle. It is perfectly possible that Weasley parents are taking special care not to expose their young children to magic until they come of schooling age.

– sampathsris
May 4 '15 at 15:33

It might be that Ron actually did not knew much about spells. Recall that Weasley's are such a family where both parents and eldest children knew about the Triwizard Tournament, but did not let the youngsters know the secret on principle. It is perfectly possible that Weasley parents are taking special care not to expose their young children to magic until they come of schooling age.

– sampathsris
May 4 '15 at 15:33

5 Answers





First let me say that I don't believe it is a real spell.

The thing we need to realize is that Ron did not know enough spells to differentiate between fake and real spells. Mr and Mrs Weasley would have used Nonverbal Spells at home.

We also know that Ron blindly trusted his brothers which is normal at that age.

Instance 1:

“So we’ve just got to try on the hat!” Ron whispered to Harry. “I’ll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll.”

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 7, The Sorting Hat

Instance 2:

“I’d worked that much out for myself, funnily enough. What happens if you break it, then?”

“You die,” said Ron simply. “Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five. I nearly did too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when Dad found us. He went mental,” said Ron, with a reminiscent gleam in his eyes. “Only time I’ve ever seen Dad as angry as Mum, Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since.”

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 16, A Very Frosty Christmas

Most probably Ron was nervous after all he had five brothers who have been to Hogwarts, he would have definitely been nervous. Knowing Fred and George those guys would have thought it was fun to scare Ron.

Generally younger siblings trust their elder siblings. My brother had me believing in lots of silly stuff when I was a kid!

share|improve this answer

  • 30

    Yup. I had my younger brother believing that the Terminator 2 movie was a prophecy, and was really going to happen.

    – PiousVenom
    May 4 '15 at 15:57

  • 9

    You are a cruel brother :)

    – Vishvesh
    May 4 '15 at 16:07

  • @Vishvesh And a genius.

    – Nerrolken
    Sep 9 '15 at 13:19


Who says the spell doesn't work? As far as we know he only tried it on Animagus, which hardly qualifies as an intended target.

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    Early clue that it was Pettigrew!!

    – user001
    Sep 9 '15 at 14:05

  • But why did Ron think that incantation would be a spell? The question has nothing to do about why it didn't work.

    – Skooba
    Jul 3 '17 at 11:44


Most likely he believed it because it is a real spell. The 'Colour Change Charm' is mentioned in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, explicitly in relation to the ability to change the colour of a rat:

On the whole, Harry thought it went rather well. His Levitation Charm
was certainly much better than Malfoy’s had been, though he wished he
had not mixed up the incantations for Colour Change and Growth Charms,
so that the rat he was supposed to be turning orange swelled
and was the size of a badger before Harry could rectify his

As to why it didn't work, you can choose from the current answers;

  • @Zikato's suggestion that it failed because Scabbers is no ordinary rat seems plausible.

  • @Vishvesh's suggestion that Ron's brothers had intentionally taught him a wrong incantation (for their own amusement) also seems pretty plausible as well.

  • There are also other spells (eat slugs!) that seem to operate in English.

share|improve this answer

  • 8

    I think the real question is "how could he believe it was the correct formulation of the spell" and not "how could he believe the intended effected (color change) existed as a spell"

    – Kalissar
    May 4 '15 at 15:29

  • 2

    What @Kalissar said. The question is "Why did Ron believe 'Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow' is a spell?" not "Why did Ron believe that there was a spell to turn a rat yellow?"

    – starsplusplus
    May 4 '15 at 16:29

  • 1

    Eat slugs, nice catch!

    – Don_Biglia
    May 5 '15 at 6:36

  • 1

    Also, the spell does sound plausible, being loosely based on a well-known Lesley Gore song (sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows).

    – Damon
    May 6 '15 at 7:41

  • 2

    As… shows, the 'eat slugs' spell is simply being cast non-verbally. In the films they had Ron shout this out for effect, and to make it clear what he was casting.

    – Cronax
    May 6 '15 at 12:09


I think we are forgetting about the changing water into rum spell that is seen later:

Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum.

This indicates that these more poetic spells do exist or at least thought to exist by more students than just the younger brother of two pranksters.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    If memory serves, this spell also backfires without having the desired effect;…. It's not clear if it works or if it's just another joke played by the Weasley twins.

    – Valorum
    Jan 7 '18 at 22:56


If you could see.Ron didn't know what spell mean.He can't realise fake from really spell.Dude was young.I didn't know about this spell too

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    5 Answers




    5 Answers











    First let me say that I don't believe it is a real spell.

    The thing we need to realize is that Ron did not know enough spells to differentiate between fake and real spells. Mr and Mrs Weasley would have used Nonverbal Spells at home.

    We also know that Ron blindly trusted his brothers which is normal at that age.

    Instance 1:

    “So we’ve just got to try on the hat!” Ron whispered to Harry. “I’ll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll.”

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 7, The Sorting Hat

    Instance 2:

    “I’d worked that much out for myself, funnily enough. What happens if you break it, then?”

    “You die,” said Ron simply. “Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five. I nearly did too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when Dad found us. He went mental,” said Ron, with a reminiscent gleam in his eyes. “Only time I’ve ever seen Dad as angry as Mum, Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since.”

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 16, A Very Frosty Christmas

    Most probably Ron was nervous after all he had five brothers who have been to Hogwarts, he would have definitely been nervous. Knowing Fred and George those guys would have thought it was fun to scare Ron.

    Generally younger siblings trust their elder siblings. My brother had me believing in lots of silly stuff when I was a kid!

    share|improve this answer

    • 30

      Yup. I had my younger brother believing that the Terminator 2 movie was a prophecy, and was really going to happen.

      – PiousVenom
      May 4 '15 at 15:57

    • 9

      You are a cruel brother :)

      – Vishvesh
      May 4 '15 at 16:07

    • @Vishvesh And a genius.

      – Nerrolken
      Sep 9 '15 at 13:19


    First let me say that I don't believe it is a real spell.

    The thing we need to realize is that Ron did not know enough spells to differentiate between fake and real spells. Mr and Mrs Weasley would have used Nonverbal Spells at home.

    We also know that Ron blindly trusted his brothers which is normal at that age.

    Instance 1:

    “So we’ve just got to try on the hat!” Ron whispered to Harry. “I’ll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll.”

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 7, The Sorting Hat

    Instance 2:

    “I’d worked that much out for myself, funnily enough. What happens if you break it, then?”

    “You die,” said Ron simply. “Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five. I nearly did too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when Dad found us. He went mental,” said Ron, with a reminiscent gleam in his eyes. “Only time I’ve ever seen Dad as angry as Mum, Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since.”

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 16, A Very Frosty Christmas

    Most probably Ron was nervous after all he had five brothers who have been to Hogwarts, he would have definitely been nervous. Knowing Fred and George those guys would have thought it was fun to scare Ron.

    Generally younger siblings trust their elder siblings. My brother had me believing in lots of silly stuff when I was a kid!

    share|improve this answer

    • 30

      Yup. I had my younger brother believing that the Terminator 2 movie was a prophecy, and was really going to happen.

      – PiousVenom
      May 4 '15 at 15:57

    • 9

      You are a cruel brother :)

      – Vishvesh
      May 4 '15 at 16:07

    • @Vishvesh And a genius.

      – Nerrolken
      Sep 9 '15 at 13:19




    First let me say that I don't believe it is a real spell.

    The thing we need to realize is that Ron did not know enough spells to differentiate between fake and real spells. Mr and Mrs Weasley would have used Nonverbal Spells at home.

    We also know that Ron blindly trusted his brothers which is normal at that age.

    Instance 1:

    “So we’ve just got to try on the hat!” Ron whispered to Harry. “I’ll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll.”

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 7, The Sorting Hat

    Instance 2:

    “I’d worked that much out for myself, funnily enough. What happens if you break it, then?”

    “You die,” said Ron simply. “Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five. I nearly did too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when Dad found us. He went mental,” said Ron, with a reminiscent gleam in his eyes. “Only time I’ve ever seen Dad as angry as Mum, Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since.”

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 16, A Very Frosty Christmas

    Most probably Ron was nervous after all he had five brothers who have been to Hogwarts, he would have definitely been nervous. Knowing Fred and George those guys would have thought it was fun to scare Ron.

    Generally younger siblings trust their elder siblings. My brother had me believing in lots of silly stuff when I was a kid!

    share|improve this answer

    First let me say that I don't believe it is a real spell.

    The thing we need to realize is that Ron did not know enough spells to differentiate between fake and real spells. Mr and Mrs Weasley would have used Nonverbal Spells at home.

    We also know that Ron blindly trusted his brothers which is normal at that age.

    Instance 1:

    “So we’ve just got to try on the hat!” Ron whispered to Harry. “I’ll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll.”

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 7, The Sorting Hat

    Instance 2:

    “I’d worked that much out for myself, funnily enough. What happens if you break it, then?”

    “You die,” said Ron simply. “Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five. I nearly did too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when Dad found us. He went mental,” said Ron, with a reminiscent gleam in his eyes. “Only time I’ve ever seen Dad as angry as Mum, Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since.”

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 16, A Very Frosty Christmas

    Most probably Ron was nervous after all he had five brothers who have been to Hogwarts, he would have definitely been nervous. Knowing Fred and George those guys would have thought it was fun to scare Ron.

    Generally younger siblings trust their elder siblings. My brother had me believing in lots of silly stuff when I was a kid!

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited May 5 '15 at 9:41




    answered May 4 '15 at 14:47




    • 30

      Yup. I had my younger brother believing that the Terminator 2 movie was a prophecy, and was really going to happen.

      – PiousVenom
      May 4 '15 at 15:57

    • 9

      You are a cruel brother :)

      – Vishvesh
      May 4 '15 at 16:07

    • @Vishvesh And a genius.

      – Nerrolken
      Sep 9 '15 at 13:19

    • 30

      Yup. I had my younger brother believing that the Terminator 2 movie was a prophecy, and was really going to happen.

      – PiousVenom
      May 4 '15 at 15:57

    • 9

      You are a cruel brother :)

      – Vishvesh
      May 4 '15 at 16:07

    • @Vishvesh And a genius.

      – Nerrolken
      Sep 9 '15 at 13:19



    Yup. I had my younger brother believing that the Terminator 2 movie was a prophecy, and was really going to happen.

    – PiousVenom
    May 4 '15 at 15:57

    Yup. I had my younger brother believing that the Terminator 2 movie was a prophecy, and was really going to happen.

    – PiousVenom
    May 4 '15 at 15:57



    You are a cruel brother :)

    – Vishvesh
    May 4 '15 at 16:07

    You are a cruel brother :)

    – Vishvesh
    May 4 '15 at 16:07

    @Vishvesh And a genius.

    – Nerrolken
    Sep 9 '15 at 13:19

    @Vishvesh And a genius.

    – Nerrolken
    Sep 9 '15 at 13:19


    Who says the spell doesn't work? As far as we know he only tried it on Animagus, which hardly qualifies as an intended target.

    share|improve this answer

    • 2

      Early clue that it was Pettigrew!!

      – user001
      Sep 9 '15 at 14:05

    • But why did Ron think that incantation would be a spell? The question has nothing to do about why it didn't work.

      – Skooba
      Jul 3 '17 at 11:44


    Who says the spell doesn't work? As far as we know he only tried it on Animagus, which hardly qualifies as an intended target.

    share|improve this answer

    • 2

      Early clue that it was Pettigrew!!

      – user001
      Sep 9 '15 at 14:05

    • But why did Ron think that incantation would be a spell? The question has nothing to do about why it didn't work.

      – Skooba
      Jul 3 '17 at 11:44




    Who says the spell doesn't work? As far as we know he only tried it on Animagus, which hardly qualifies as an intended target.

    share|improve this answer

    Who says the spell doesn't work? As far as we know he only tried it on Animagus, which hardly qualifies as an intended target.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered May 4 '15 at 13:56




    • 2

      Early clue that it was Pettigrew!!

      – user001
      Sep 9 '15 at 14:05

    • But why did Ron think that incantation would be a spell? The question has nothing to do about why it didn't work.

      – Skooba
      Jul 3 '17 at 11:44

    • 2

      Early clue that it was Pettigrew!!

      – user001
      Sep 9 '15 at 14:05

    • But why did Ron think that incantation would be a spell? The question has nothing to do about why it didn't work.

      – Skooba
      Jul 3 '17 at 11:44



    Early clue that it was Pettigrew!!

    – user001
    Sep 9 '15 at 14:05

    Early clue that it was Pettigrew!!

    – user001
    Sep 9 '15 at 14:05

    But why did Ron think that incantation would be a spell? The question has nothing to do about why it didn't work.

    – Skooba
    Jul 3 '17 at 11:44

    But why did Ron think that incantation would be a spell? The question has nothing to do about why it didn't work.

    – Skooba
    Jul 3 '17 at 11:44


    Most likely he believed it because it is a real spell. The 'Colour Change Charm' is mentioned in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, explicitly in relation to the ability to change the colour of a rat:

    On the whole, Harry thought it went rather well. His Levitation Charm
    was certainly much better than Malfoy’s had been, though he wished he
    had not mixed up the incantations for Colour Change and Growth Charms,
    so that the rat he was supposed to be turning orange swelled
    and was the size of a badger before Harry could rectify his

    As to why it didn't work, you can choose from the current answers;

    • @Zikato's suggestion that it failed because Scabbers is no ordinary rat seems plausible.

    • @Vishvesh's suggestion that Ron's brothers had intentionally taught him a wrong incantation (for their own amusement) also seems pretty plausible as well.

    • There are also other spells (eat slugs!) that seem to operate in English.

    share|improve this answer

    • 8

      I think the real question is "how could he believe it was the correct formulation of the spell" and not "how could he believe the intended effected (color change) existed as a spell"

      – Kalissar
      May 4 '15 at 15:29

    • 2

      What @Kalissar said. The question is "Why did Ron believe 'Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow' is a spell?" not "Why did Ron believe that there was a spell to turn a rat yellow?"

      – starsplusplus
      May 4 '15 at 16:29

    • 1

      Eat slugs, nice catch!

      – Don_Biglia
      May 5 '15 at 6:36

    • 1

      Also, the spell does sound plausible, being loosely based on a well-known Lesley Gore song (sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows).

      – Damon
      May 6 '15 at 7:41

    • 2

      As… shows, the 'eat slugs' spell is simply being cast non-verbally. In the films they had Ron shout this out for effect, and to make it clear what he was casting.

      – Cronax
      May 6 '15 at 12:09


    Most likely he believed it because it is a real spell. The 'Colour Change Charm' is mentioned in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, explicitly in relation to the ability to change the colour of a rat:

    On the whole, Harry thought it went rather well. His Levitation Charm
    was certainly much better than Malfoy’s had been, though he wished he
    had not mixed up the incantations for Colour Change and Growth Charms,
    so that the rat he was supposed to be turning orange swelled
    and was the size of a badger before Harry could rectify his

    As to why it didn't work, you can choose from the current answers;

    • @Zikato's suggestion that it failed because Scabbers is no ordinary rat seems plausible.

    • @Vishvesh's suggestion that Ron's brothers had intentionally taught him a wrong incantation (for their own amusement) also seems pretty plausible as well.

    • There are also other spells (eat slugs!) that seem to operate in English.

    share|improve this answer

    • 8

      I think the real question is "how could he believe it was the correct formulation of the spell" and not "how could he believe the intended effected (color change) existed as a spell"

      – Kalissar
      May 4 '15 at 15:29

    • 2

      What @Kalissar said. The question is "Why did Ron believe 'Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow' is a spell?" not "Why did Ron believe that there was a spell to turn a rat yellow?"

      – starsplusplus
      May 4 '15 at 16:29

    • 1

      Eat slugs, nice catch!

      – Don_Biglia
      May 5 '15 at 6:36

    • 1

      Also, the spell does sound plausible, being loosely based on a well-known Lesley Gore song (sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows).

      – Damon
      May 6 '15 at 7:41

    • 2

      As… shows, the 'eat slugs' spell is simply being cast non-verbally. In the films they had Ron shout this out for effect, and to make it clear what he was casting.

      – Cronax
      May 6 '15 at 12:09




    Most likely he believed it because it is a real spell. The 'Colour Change Charm' is mentioned in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, explicitly in relation to the ability to change the colour of a rat:

    On the whole, Harry thought it went rather well. His Levitation Charm
    was certainly much better than Malfoy’s had been, though he wished he
    had not mixed up the incantations for Colour Change and Growth Charms,
    so that the rat he was supposed to be turning orange swelled
    and was the size of a badger before Harry could rectify his

    As to why it didn't work, you can choose from the current answers;

    • @Zikato's suggestion that it failed because Scabbers is no ordinary rat seems plausible.

    • @Vishvesh's suggestion that Ron's brothers had intentionally taught him a wrong incantation (for their own amusement) also seems pretty plausible as well.

    • There are also other spells (eat slugs!) that seem to operate in English.

    share|improve this answer

    Most likely he believed it because it is a real spell. The 'Colour Change Charm' is mentioned in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, explicitly in relation to the ability to change the colour of a rat:

    On the whole, Harry thought it went rather well. His Levitation Charm
    was certainly much better than Malfoy’s had been, though he wished he
    had not mixed up the incantations for Colour Change and Growth Charms,
    so that the rat he was supposed to be turning orange swelled
    and was the size of a badger before Harry could rectify his

    As to why it didn't work, you can choose from the current answers;

    • @Zikato's suggestion that it failed because Scabbers is no ordinary rat seems plausible.

    • @Vishvesh's suggestion that Ron's brothers had intentionally taught him a wrong incantation (for their own amusement) also seems pretty plausible as well.

    • There are also other spells (eat slugs!) that seem to operate in English.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:43




    answered May 4 '15 at 15:04




    • 8

      I think the real question is "how could he believe it was the correct formulation of the spell" and not "how could he believe the intended effected (color change) existed as a spell"

      – Kalissar
      May 4 '15 at 15:29

    • 2

      What @Kalissar said. The question is "Why did Ron believe 'Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow' is a spell?" not "Why did Ron believe that there was a spell to turn a rat yellow?"

      – starsplusplus
      May 4 '15 at 16:29

    • 1

      Eat slugs, nice catch!

      – Don_Biglia
      May 5 '15 at 6:36

    • 1

      Also, the spell does sound plausible, being loosely based on a well-known Lesley Gore song (sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows).

      – Damon
      May 6 '15 at 7:41

    • 2

      As… shows, the 'eat slugs' spell is simply being cast non-verbally. In the films they had Ron shout this out for effect, and to make it clear what he was casting.

      – Cronax
      May 6 '15 at 12:09

    • 8

      I think the real question is "how could he believe it was the correct formulation of the spell" and not "how could he believe the intended effected (color change) existed as a spell"

      – Kalissar
      May 4 '15 at 15:29

    • 2

      What @Kalissar said. The question is "Why did Ron believe 'Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow' is a spell?" not "Why did Ron believe that there was a spell to turn a rat yellow?"

      – starsplusplus
      May 4 '15 at 16:29

    • 1

      Eat slugs, nice catch!

      – Don_Biglia
      May 5 '15 at 6:36

    • 1

      Also, the spell does sound plausible, being loosely based on a well-known Lesley Gore song (sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows).

      – Damon
      May 6 '15 at 7:41

    • 2

      As… shows, the 'eat slugs' spell is simply being cast non-verbally. In the films they had Ron shout this out for effect, and to make it clear what he was casting.

      – Cronax
      May 6 '15 at 12:09



    I think the real question is "how could he believe it was the correct formulation of the spell" and not "how could he believe the intended effected (color change) existed as a spell"

    – Kalissar
    May 4 '15 at 15:29

    I think the real question is "how could he believe it was the correct formulation of the spell" and not "how could he believe the intended effected (color change) existed as a spell"

    – Kalissar
    May 4 '15 at 15:29



    What @Kalissar said. The question is "Why did Ron believe 'Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow' is a spell?" not "Why did Ron believe that there was a spell to turn a rat yellow?"

    – starsplusplus
    May 4 '15 at 16:29

    What @Kalissar said. The question is "Why did Ron believe 'Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow' is a spell?" not "Why did Ron believe that there was a spell to turn a rat yellow?"

    – starsplusplus
    May 4 '15 at 16:29



    Eat slugs, nice catch!

    – Don_Biglia
    May 5 '15 at 6:36

    Eat slugs, nice catch!

    – Don_Biglia
    May 5 '15 at 6:36



    Also, the spell does sound plausible, being loosely based on a well-known Lesley Gore song (sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows).

    – Damon
    May 6 '15 at 7:41

    Also, the spell does sound plausible, being loosely based on a well-known Lesley Gore song (sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows).

    – Damon
    May 6 '15 at 7:41



    As… shows, the 'eat slugs' spell is simply being cast non-verbally. In the films they had Ron shout this out for effect, and to make it clear what he was casting.

    – Cronax
    May 6 '15 at 12:09

    As… shows, the 'eat slugs' spell is simply being cast non-verbally. In the films they had Ron shout this out for effect, and to make it clear what he was casting.

    – Cronax
    May 6 '15 at 12:09


    I think we are forgetting about the changing water into rum spell that is seen later:

    Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum.

    This indicates that these more poetic spells do exist or at least thought to exist by more students than just the younger brother of two pranksters.

    share|improve this answer

    • 1

      If memory serves, this spell also backfires without having the desired effect;…. It's not clear if it works or if it's just another joke played by the Weasley twins.

      – Valorum
      Jan 7 '18 at 22:56


    I think we are forgetting about the changing water into rum spell that is seen later:

    Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum.

    This indicates that these more poetic spells do exist or at least thought to exist by more students than just the younger brother of two pranksters.

    share|improve this answer

    • 1

      If memory serves, this spell also backfires without having the desired effect;…. It's not clear if it works or if it's just another joke played by the Weasley twins.

      – Valorum
      Jan 7 '18 at 22:56




    I think we are forgetting about the changing water into rum spell that is seen later:

    Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum.

    This indicates that these more poetic spells do exist or at least thought to exist by more students than just the younger brother of two pranksters.

    share|improve this answer

    I think we are forgetting about the changing water into rum spell that is seen later:

    Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum.

    This indicates that these more poetic spells do exist or at least thought to exist by more students than just the younger brother of two pranksters.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited Jan 7 '18 at 22:55




    answered Jan 7 '18 at 22:28




    • 1

      If memory serves, this spell also backfires without having the desired effect;…. It's not clear if it works or if it's just another joke played by the Weasley twins.

      – Valorum
      Jan 7 '18 at 22:56

    • 1

      If memory serves, this spell also backfires without having the desired effect;…. It's not clear if it works or if it's just another joke played by the Weasley twins.

      – Valorum
      Jan 7 '18 at 22:56



    If memory serves, this spell also backfires without having the desired effect;…. It's not clear if it works or if it's just another joke played by the Weasley twins.

    – Valorum
    Jan 7 '18 at 22:56

    If memory serves, this spell also backfires without having the desired effect;…. It's not clear if it works or if it's just another joke played by the Weasley twins.

    – Valorum
    Jan 7 '18 at 22:56


    If you could see.Ron didn't know what spell mean.He can't realise fake from really spell.Dude was young.I didn't know about this spell too

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Josipa Culjak is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      If you could see.Ron didn't know what spell mean.He can't realise fake from really spell.Dude was young.I didn't know about this spell too

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Josipa Culjak is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        If you could see.Ron didn't know what spell mean.He can't realise fake from really spell.Dude was young.I didn't know about this spell too

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        Josipa Culjak is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.

        If you could see.Ron didn't know what spell mean.He can't realise fake from really spell.Dude was young.I didn't know about this spell too

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        Josipa Culjak is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.

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        New contributor

        Josipa Culjak is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        answered 22 mins ago

        Josipa CuljakJosipa Culjak



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        Josipa Culjak is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        Josipa Culjak is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        Josipa Culjak is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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