How did Arya manage to disguise herself?What is Bran doing in S08E03?Why can Arya still use the faces?Does...

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How did Arya manage to disguise herself?

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In Game of Thrones S08E03, we see Arya killing

the Night King.

How does she manage to sneak up on him given that he's surrounded by an army? Did she use the face of someone from the army?

share|improve this question


    In Game of Thrones S08E03, we see Arya killing

    the Night King.

    How does she manage to sneak up on him given that he's surrounded by an army? Did she use the face of someone from the army?

    share|improve this question





      In Game of Thrones S08E03, we see Arya killing

      the Night King.

      How does she manage to sneak up on him given that he's surrounded by an army? Did she use the face of someone from the army?

      share|improve this question

      In Game of Thrones S08E03, we see Arya killing

      the Night King.

      How does she manage to sneak up on him given that he's surrounded by an army? Did she use the face of someone from the army?

      plot-explanation game-of-thrones

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 1 hour ago

      Napoleon Wilson



      asked 19 hours ago




          4 Answers





          Contrary to KharoBangdo's reasoning, I would theorize that Arya snuck up on the Night King in one of two different ways.

          To get some other details out of the way, looking at the scene, I do not believe her flight angle is correct to imagine that she has been hiding in a tree this whole time, waiting for the Night King to approach. Yes, the screen is slightly tilted up from Bran's perspective, but as Arya is in flight, she seems to be flying straight for the Night King - and the momentum shift slightly before they make contact (and when the Night King catches her) makes it seem much more like horizontal momentum.

          Anyway, here's really the detail that I think blows the whole 'waiting in a tree thing out of the water' -

          You'll notice in the scene just prior to Arya revealing herself, one of the White Walkers notices something. The Walker feels a breeze, and you can see the Walker's hair get blown slightly (either by the wind or someone moving swiftly by). The Walker then looks to the right, as if the breeze came from there (or something / someone passed there).

          This detail leads me to two theories:

          1. That breeze was produced by Arya sneaking by. It's unclear whether or not she was making her dash straight to the Night King then or if she was making a dash through the tree line to remain relatively unseen while she approached (before making her big run up through the open ground). Perhaps some of her training from Jaqen was used here to be 'invisible' on her approach.

          2. A little more far fetched, but not out of the question. The Walker is Arya, who simply feels a breeze and looks to the right. Arya is borrowing the Walker's face to blend in and get close to the Night King. The breeze (and the subsequent look) are an indication that something is about to happen - or perhaps that the time is right.

          I think #1 is more likely, though I do hope they reveal a bit more about how this scene unfolded. Would be interesting to hear (or see) the scene from Arya's perspective.

          At the very least, I do feel like there is some level of significance from that subtle breeze and motion the Walker makes just prior to the Night King dying. The sound of wind blowing rises up slightly over the dramatic music, and I'd like to think that was a purposeful touch.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          A J D is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • 4

            I'm inclined to agree that productions involving this much money don't leave details up to coincidence. Everything that's in it is on purpose (or an oversight by multiple people involved with production, which doesn't seem likely to me in this case).

            – JJJ
            11 hours ago

          • 12

            Have we seen a White Walker die that didn't immediately explode? That would be the only way she could wear his face.

            – DeeV
            8 hours ago

          • Another point in disfavor of jumping from trees: the area around the central tree is pretty clear of trees. Theon's charge against the Night King, in particular, illustrate how long the way to next tree is.

            – Matthieu M.
            3 hours ago

          • The main problem with the idea of taking a Walker's face - when has a killed Walker ever not shattered or completely disintegrated? Plus, the taking of a face takes some time. Seeing as how all the Walker's were pretty much together, how would she kill one, peel off its face, put it on, and then take its place without them noticing? Seems more likely she snuck by, which was the whole point of her sneaking by the dead in the library, to lay the groundwork for "she can do that.".... IMO, of course. Good to have ideas thought out and put out there for discussion, in any case.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago


          There are a lot of trees in the Godswood. She was hiding on top of one of them. Hence, she could sneak up on Night King and jump from above.

          The angle at which Arya jumps & the way Night King catches her, indicates that she can't do it from the ground. Also, the Night King was away from the castle walls. So, a tree is a logically correct deduction.

          When Arya meets Melisandre inside the castle, she tells Arya that she will shut blue eyes. This is to prophesise the Night King's death.

          Melisandre ask Arya: "what do we say to the God of Death?" She says "Not today" and walks off. Arya understands clearly what needs to be done and she goes away from the battle to hide in a tree as she knows that the Night King will come for Bran in the Godswood.

          share|improve this answer

          • 9

            is this just a speculation? or do u have any proof

            – J M
            15 hours ago

          • 2

            @JM logical reasoning based on the angle at which she jumped on NK. She could not have gained that elevation from ground. So trees are the only place as they were away from the wall

            – KharoBangdo
            15 hours ago

          • 3

            I could swear I saw wind blow the leaves “differently” right before that scene.

            – kojiro
            11 hours ago



          One of the most popular theories going around right now is that she disguised herself as a walker to get close.
          Arya didnt jump over a ton of white walkers. she was wearing the face of one, hence melissandre: "Brown eyes, green eyes, BLUE EYES"#NotToday

          This does seem like a plausible explanation.

          We know that Arya's training under the guidance of her former mentor, assassin Jaqen H'ghar, taught her how to successfully wear the faces
          of others, enabling her to get into places that she couldn't if she
          looked like herself.

          So, is that what happened there? Did Arya disguise herself as a White
          Walker so that she could sneak into the Godswood entirely undetected
          and then, when the time was right, slay the head zombie?

          A lot of people are convinced that that was how she slipped in undetected and did her very worst.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          Among other explanations, it's believed that she was noticed.

          There is a moment, right before the Night King is about to kill Bran, when the camera pans to one of the White Walkers stood behind him, who then turns their head to the side.

          It's a minuscule detail – if you weren't paying attention you could very easily have missed it – and some might argue that it was entirely insignificant. But then again, is anything on GoT done without significant reason? [...]

          There's every chance that the other White Walker, by moving his head, had picked up on Arya's presence. But by then it was too late. She was already mid-air and the Night King had turned around to face her and finally meet his maker.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          So, in conclusion there are various different possible explanations.

          share|improve this answer

          • 2

            I like the theory and would applaud it, but for me there would need to be an explanation as to how she removed the face from a being that would have smashed in to ice the instant it was killed as (all?) other white walkers have done?

            – Lamar Latrell
            6 hours ago

          • Seeing as how the Wight's eyes are clouded over, for the ones that still have any eyes at all, I don't think a largely visual disguise would make them think she's dead.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago


          The sneak attack was merely a diversion--presumably Arya and Melisandre know one can't sneak up on the Night King.

          Strategically, it was a feint, allowing her to get close enough to the Night Kind to kill him. The way the shot the knife dropping from her hand while she is being choked strongly implied she was losing consciousness or dying, only to have it revealed as a stratagem.

          This was foreshadowed by Lyanna Mormont's killing of the undead giant earlier in the episode.

          The producers may not have considered it strictly necessary to show how Arya got positioned for the sneak attack since it was merely a narrative device. The more meaningful aspect is that Theon's self-sacrifice bought her them all time.

          share|improve this answer

          • I'd say it was more foreshadowed when she did that exact move (drop the dagger to the other hand) when she first trained/sparred with Brianne of Tarth.

            – PoloHoleSet
            37 mins ago

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          4 Answers




          4 Answers











          Contrary to KharoBangdo's reasoning, I would theorize that Arya snuck up on the Night King in one of two different ways.

          To get some other details out of the way, looking at the scene, I do not believe her flight angle is correct to imagine that she has been hiding in a tree this whole time, waiting for the Night King to approach. Yes, the screen is slightly tilted up from Bran's perspective, but as Arya is in flight, she seems to be flying straight for the Night King - and the momentum shift slightly before they make contact (and when the Night King catches her) makes it seem much more like horizontal momentum.

          Anyway, here's really the detail that I think blows the whole 'waiting in a tree thing out of the water' -

          You'll notice in the scene just prior to Arya revealing herself, one of the White Walkers notices something. The Walker feels a breeze, and you can see the Walker's hair get blown slightly (either by the wind or someone moving swiftly by). The Walker then looks to the right, as if the breeze came from there (or something / someone passed there).

          This detail leads me to two theories:

          1. That breeze was produced by Arya sneaking by. It's unclear whether or not she was making her dash straight to the Night King then or if she was making a dash through the tree line to remain relatively unseen while she approached (before making her big run up through the open ground). Perhaps some of her training from Jaqen was used here to be 'invisible' on her approach.

          2. A little more far fetched, but not out of the question. The Walker is Arya, who simply feels a breeze and looks to the right. Arya is borrowing the Walker's face to blend in and get close to the Night King. The breeze (and the subsequent look) are an indication that something is about to happen - or perhaps that the time is right.

          I think #1 is more likely, though I do hope they reveal a bit more about how this scene unfolded. Would be interesting to hear (or see) the scene from Arya's perspective.

          At the very least, I do feel like there is some level of significance from that subtle breeze and motion the Walker makes just prior to the Night King dying. The sound of wind blowing rises up slightly over the dramatic music, and I'd like to think that was a purposeful touch.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          A J D is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • 4

            I'm inclined to agree that productions involving this much money don't leave details up to coincidence. Everything that's in it is on purpose (or an oversight by multiple people involved with production, which doesn't seem likely to me in this case).

            – JJJ
            11 hours ago

          • 12

            Have we seen a White Walker die that didn't immediately explode? That would be the only way she could wear his face.

            – DeeV
            8 hours ago

          • Another point in disfavor of jumping from trees: the area around the central tree is pretty clear of trees. Theon's charge against the Night King, in particular, illustrate how long the way to next tree is.

            – Matthieu M.
            3 hours ago

          • The main problem with the idea of taking a Walker's face - when has a killed Walker ever not shattered or completely disintegrated? Plus, the taking of a face takes some time. Seeing as how all the Walker's were pretty much together, how would she kill one, peel off its face, put it on, and then take its place without them noticing? Seems more likely she snuck by, which was the whole point of her sneaking by the dead in the library, to lay the groundwork for "she can do that.".... IMO, of course. Good to have ideas thought out and put out there for discussion, in any case.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago


          Contrary to KharoBangdo's reasoning, I would theorize that Arya snuck up on the Night King in one of two different ways.

          To get some other details out of the way, looking at the scene, I do not believe her flight angle is correct to imagine that she has been hiding in a tree this whole time, waiting for the Night King to approach. Yes, the screen is slightly tilted up from Bran's perspective, but as Arya is in flight, she seems to be flying straight for the Night King - and the momentum shift slightly before they make contact (and when the Night King catches her) makes it seem much more like horizontal momentum.

          Anyway, here's really the detail that I think blows the whole 'waiting in a tree thing out of the water' -

          You'll notice in the scene just prior to Arya revealing herself, one of the White Walkers notices something. The Walker feels a breeze, and you can see the Walker's hair get blown slightly (either by the wind or someone moving swiftly by). The Walker then looks to the right, as if the breeze came from there (or something / someone passed there).

          This detail leads me to two theories:

          1. That breeze was produced by Arya sneaking by. It's unclear whether or not she was making her dash straight to the Night King then or if she was making a dash through the tree line to remain relatively unseen while she approached (before making her big run up through the open ground). Perhaps some of her training from Jaqen was used here to be 'invisible' on her approach.

          2. A little more far fetched, but not out of the question. The Walker is Arya, who simply feels a breeze and looks to the right. Arya is borrowing the Walker's face to blend in and get close to the Night King. The breeze (and the subsequent look) are an indication that something is about to happen - or perhaps that the time is right.

          I think #1 is more likely, though I do hope they reveal a bit more about how this scene unfolded. Would be interesting to hear (or see) the scene from Arya's perspective.

          At the very least, I do feel like there is some level of significance from that subtle breeze and motion the Walker makes just prior to the Night King dying. The sound of wind blowing rises up slightly over the dramatic music, and I'd like to think that was a purposeful touch.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          A J D is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • 4

            I'm inclined to agree that productions involving this much money don't leave details up to coincidence. Everything that's in it is on purpose (or an oversight by multiple people involved with production, which doesn't seem likely to me in this case).

            – JJJ
            11 hours ago

          • 12

            Have we seen a White Walker die that didn't immediately explode? That would be the only way she could wear his face.

            – DeeV
            8 hours ago

          • Another point in disfavor of jumping from trees: the area around the central tree is pretty clear of trees. Theon's charge against the Night King, in particular, illustrate how long the way to next tree is.

            – Matthieu M.
            3 hours ago

          • The main problem with the idea of taking a Walker's face - when has a killed Walker ever not shattered or completely disintegrated? Plus, the taking of a face takes some time. Seeing as how all the Walker's were pretty much together, how would she kill one, peel off its face, put it on, and then take its place without them noticing? Seems more likely she snuck by, which was the whole point of her sneaking by the dead in the library, to lay the groundwork for "she can do that.".... IMO, of course. Good to have ideas thought out and put out there for discussion, in any case.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago




          Contrary to KharoBangdo's reasoning, I would theorize that Arya snuck up on the Night King in one of two different ways.

          To get some other details out of the way, looking at the scene, I do not believe her flight angle is correct to imagine that she has been hiding in a tree this whole time, waiting for the Night King to approach. Yes, the screen is slightly tilted up from Bran's perspective, but as Arya is in flight, she seems to be flying straight for the Night King - and the momentum shift slightly before they make contact (and when the Night King catches her) makes it seem much more like horizontal momentum.

          Anyway, here's really the detail that I think blows the whole 'waiting in a tree thing out of the water' -

          You'll notice in the scene just prior to Arya revealing herself, one of the White Walkers notices something. The Walker feels a breeze, and you can see the Walker's hair get blown slightly (either by the wind or someone moving swiftly by). The Walker then looks to the right, as if the breeze came from there (or something / someone passed there).

          This detail leads me to two theories:

          1. That breeze was produced by Arya sneaking by. It's unclear whether or not she was making her dash straight to the Night King then or if she was making a dash through the tree line to remain relatively unseen while she approached (before making her big run up through the open ground). Perhaps some of her training from Jaqen was used here to be 'invisible' on her approach.

          2. A little more far fetched, but not out of the question. The Walker is Arya, who simply feels a breeze and looks to the right. Arya is borrowing the Walker's face to blend in and get close to the Night King. The breeze (and the subsequent look) are an indication that something is about to happen - or perhaps that the time is right.

          I think #1 is more likely, though I do hope they reveal a bit more about how this scene unfolded. Would be interesting to hear (or see) the scene from Arya's perspective.

          At the very least, I do feel like there is some level of significance from that subtle breeze and motion the Walker makes just prior to the Night King dying. The sound of wind blowing rises up slightly over the dramatic music, and I'd like to think that was a purposeful touch.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          A J D is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          Contrary to KharoBangdo's reasoning, I would theorize that Arya snuck up on the Night King in one of two different ways.

          To get some other details out of the way, looking at the scene, I do not believe her flight angle is correct to imagine that she has been hiding in a tree this whole time, waiting for the Night King to approach. Yes, the screen is slightly tilted up from Bran's perspective, but as Arya is in flight, she seems to be flying straight for the Night King - and the momentum shift slightly before they make contact (and when the Night King catches her) makes it seem much more like horizontal momentum.

          Anyway, here's really the detail that I think blows the whole 'waiting in a tree thing out of the water' -

          You'll notice in the scene just prior to Arya revealing herself, one of the White Walkers notices something. The Walker feels a breeze, and you can see the Walker's hair get blown slightly (either by the wind or someone moving swiftly by). The Walker then looks to the right, as if the breeze came from there (or something / someone passed there).

          This detail leads me to two theories:

          1. That breeze was produced by Arya sneaking by. It's unclear whether or not she was making her dash straight to the Night King then or if she was making a dash through the tree line to remain relatively unseen while she approached (before making her big run up through the open ground). Perhaps some of her training from Jaqen was used here to be 'invisible' on her approach.

          2. A little more far fetched, but not out of the question. The Walker is Arya, who simply feels a breeze and looks to the right. Arya is borrowing the Walker's face to blend in and get close to the Night King. The breeze (and the subsequent look) are an indication that something is about to happen - or perhaps that the time is right.

          I think #1 is more likely, though I do hope they reveal a bit more about how this scene unfolded. Would be interesting to hear (or see) the scene from Arya's perspective.

          At the very least, I do feel like there is some level of significance from that subtle breeze and motion the Walker makes just prior to the Night King dying. The sound of wind blowing rises up slightly over the dramatic music, and I'd like to think that was a purposeful touch.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          A J D is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 11 hours ago

          Napoleon Wilson



          New contributor

          A J D is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          answered 11 hours ago

          A J DA J D



          New contributor

          A J D is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          New contributor

          A J D is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          A J D is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • 4

            I'm inclined to agree that productions involving this much money don't leave details up to coincidence. Everything that's in it is on purpose (or an oversight by multiple people involved with production, which doesn't seem likely to me in this case).

            – JJJ
            11 hours ago

          • 12

            Have we seen a White Walker die that didn't immediately explode? That would be the only way she could wear his face.

            – DeeV
            8 hours ago

          • Another point in disfavor of jumping from trees: the area around the central tree is pretty clear of trees. Theon's charge against the Night King, in particular, illustrate how long the way to next tree is.

            – Matthieu M.
            3 hours ago

          • The main problem with the idea of taking a Walker's face - when has a killed Walker ever not shattered or completely disintegrated? Plus, the taking of a face takes some time. Seeing as how all the Walker's were pretty much together, how would she kill one, peel off its face, put it on, and then take its place without them noticing? Seems more likely she snuck by, which was the whole point of her sneaking by the dead in the library, to lay the groundwork for "she can do that.".... IMO, of course. Good to have ideas thought out and put out there for discussion, in any case.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago

          • 4

            I'm inclined to agree that productions involving this much money don't leave details up to coincidence. Everything that's in it is on purpose (or an oversight by multiple people involved with production, which doesn't seem likely to me in this case).

            – JJJ
            11 hours ago

          • 12

            Have we seen a White Walker die that didn't immediately explode? That would be the only way she could wear his face.

            – DeeV
            8 hours ago

          • Another point in disfavor of jumping from trees: the area around the central tree is pretty clear of trees. Theon's charge against the Night King, in particular, illustrate how long the way to next tree is.

            – Matthieu M.
            3 hours ago

          • The main problem with the idea of taking a Walker's face - when has a killed Walker ever not shattered or completely disintegrated? Plus, the taking of a face takes some time. Seeing as how all the Walker's were pretty much together, how would she kill one, peel off its face, put it on, and then take its place without them noticing? Seems more likely she snuck by, which was the whole point of her sneaking by the dead in the library, to lay the groundwork for "she can do that.".... IMO, of course. Good to have ideas thought out and put out there for discussion, in any case.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago



          I'm inclined to agree that productions involving this much money don't leave details up to coincidence. Everything that's in it is on purpose (or an oversight by multiple people involved with production, which doesn't seem likely to me in this case).

          – JJJ
          11 hours ago

          I'm inclined to agree that productions involving this much money don't leave details up to coincidence. Everything that's in it is on purpose (or an oversight by multiple people involved with production, which doesn't seem likely to me in this case).

          – JJJ
          11 hours ago



          Have we seen a White Walker die that didn't immediately explode? That would be the only way she could wear his face.

          – DeeV
          8 hours ago

          Have we seen a White Walker die that didn't immediately explode? That would be the only way she could wear his face.

          – DeeV
          8 hours ago

          Another point in disfavor of jumping from trees: the area around the central tree is pretty clear of trees. Theon's charge against the Night King, in particular, illustrate how long the way to next tree is.

          – Matthieu M.
          3 hours ago

          Another point in disfavor of jumping from trees: the area around the central tree is pretty clear of trees. Theon's charge against the Night King, in particular, illustrate how long the way to next tree is.

          – Matthieu M.
          3 hours ago

          The main problem with the idea of taking a Walker's face - when has a killed Walker ever not shattered or completely disintegrated? Plus, the taking of a face takes some time. Seeing as how all the Walker's were pretty much together, how would she kill one, peel off its face, put it on, and then take its place without them noticing? Seems more likely she snuck by, which was the whole point of her sneaking by the dead in the library, to lay the groundwork for "she can do that.".... IMO, of course. Good to have ideas thought out and put out there for discussion, in any case.

          – PoloHoleSet
          1 hour ago

          The main problem with the idea of taking a Walker's face - when has a killed Walker ever not shattered or completely disintegrated? Plus, the taking of a face takes some time. Seeing as how all the Walker's were pretty much together, how would she kill one, peel off its face, put it on, and then take its place without them noticing? Seems more likely she snuck by, which was the whole point of her sneaking by the dead in the library, to lay the groundwork for "she can do that.".... IMO, of course. Good to have ideas thought out and put out there for discussion, in any case.

          – PoloHoleSet
          1 hour ago


          There are a lot of trees in the Godswood. She was hiding on top of one of them. Hence, she could sneak up on Night King and jump from above.

          The angle at which Arya jumps & the way Night King catches her, indicates that she can't do it from the ground. Also, the Night King was away from the castle walls. So, a tree is a logically correct deduction.

          When Arya meets Melisandre inside the castle, she tells Arya that she will shut blue eyes. This is to prophesise the Night King's death.

          Melisandre ask Arya: "what do we say to the God of Death?" She says "Not today" and walks off. Arya understands clearly what needs to be done and she goes away from the battle to hide in a tree as she knows that the Night King will come for Bran in the Godswood.

          share|improve this answer

          • 9

            is this just a speculation? or do u have any proof

            – J M
            15 hours ago

          • 2

            @JM logical reasoning based on the angle at which she jumped on NK. She could not have gained that elevation from ground. So trees are the only place as they were away from the wall

            – KharoBangdo
            15 hours ago

          • 3

            I could swear I saw wind blow the leaves “differently” right before that scene.

            – kojiro
            11 hours ago


          There are a lot of trees in the Godswood. She was hiding on top of one of them. Hence, she could sneak up on Night King and jump from above.

          The angle at which Arya jumps & the way Night King catches her, indicates that she can't do it from the ground. Also, the Night King was away from the castle walls. So, a tree is a logically correct deduction.

          When Arya meets Melisandre inside the castle, she tells Arya that she will shut blue eyes. This is to prophesise the Night King's death.

          Melisandre ask Arya: "what do we say to the God of Death?" She says "Not today" and walks off. Arya understands clearly what needs to be done and she goes away from the battle to hide in a tree as she knows that the Night King will come for Bran in the Godswood.

          share|improve this answer

          • 9

            is this just a speculation? or do u have any proof

            – J M
            15 hours ago

          • 2

            @JM logical reasoning based on the angle at which she jumped on NK. She could not have gained that elevation from ground. So trees are the only place as they were away from the wall

            – KharoBangdo
            15 hours ago

          • 3

            I could swear I saw wind blow the leaves “differently” right before that scene.

            – kojiro
            11 hours ago




          There are a lot of trees in the Godswood. She was hiding on top of one of them. Hence, she could sneak up on Night King and jump from above.

          The angle at which Arya jumps & the way Night King catches her, indicates that she can't do it from the ground. Also, the Night King was away from the castle walls. So, a tree is a logically correct deduction.

          When Arya meets Melisandre inside the castle, she tells Arya that she will shut blue eyes. This is to prophesise the Night King's death.

          Melisandre ask Arya: "what do we say to the God of Death?" She says "Not today" and walks off. Arya understands clearly what needs to be done and she goes away from the battle to hide in a tree as she knows that the Night King will come for Bran in the Godswood.

          share|improve this answer

          There are a lot of trees in the Godswood. She was hiding on top of one of them. Hence, she could sneak up on Night King and jump from above.

          The angle at which Arya jumps & the way Night King catches her, indicates that she can't do it from the ground. Also, the Night King was away from the castle walls. So, a tree is a logically correct deduction.

          When Arya meets Melisandre inside the castle, she tells Arya that she will shut blue eyes. This is to prophesise the Night King's death.

          Melisandre ask Arya: "what do we say to the God of Death?" She says "Not today" and walks off. Arya understands clearly what needs to be done and she goes away from the battle to hide in a tree as she knows that the Night King will come for Bran in the Godswood.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 14 hours ago

          answered 17 hours ago




          • 9

            is this just a speculation? or do u have any proof

            – J M
            15 hours ago

          • 2

            @JM logical reasoning based on the angle at which she jumped on NK. She could not have gained that elevation from ground. So trees are the only place as they were away from the wall

            – KharoBangdo
            15 hours ago

          • 3

            I could swear I saw wind blow the leaves “differently” right before that scene.

            – kojiro
            11 hours ago

          • 9

            is this just a speculation? or do u have any proof

            – J M
            15 hours ago

          • 2

            @JM logical reasoning based on the angle at which she jumped on NK. She could not have gained that elevation from ground. So trees are the only place as they were away from the wall

            – KharoBangdo
            15 hours ago

          • 3

            I could swear I saw wind blow the leaves “differently” right before that scene.

            – kojiro
            11 hours ago



          is this just a speculation? or do u have any proof

          – J M
          15 hours ago

          is this just a speculation? or do u have any proof

          – J M
          15 hours ago



          @JM logical reasoning based on the angle at which she jumped on NK. She could not have gained that elevation from ground. So trees are the only place as they were away from the wall

          – KharoBangdo
          15 hours ago

          @JM logical reasoning based on the angle at which she jumped on NK. She could not have gained that elevation from ground. So trees are the only place as they were away from the wall

          – KharoBangdo
          15 hours ago



          I could swear I saw wind blow the leaves “differently” right before that scene.

          – kojiro
          11 hours ago

          I could swear I saw wind blow the leaves “differently” right before that scene.

          – kojiro
          11 hours ago



          One of the most popular theories going around right now is that she disguised herself as a walker to get close.
          Arya didnt jump over a ton of white walkers. she was wearing the face of one, hence melissandre: "Brown eyes, green eyes, BLUE EYES"#NotToday

          This does seem like a plausible explanation.

          We know that Arya's training under the guidance of her former mentor, assassin Jaqen H'ghar, taught her how to successfully wear the faces
          of others, enabling her to get into places that she couldn't if she
          looked like herself.

          So, is that what happened there? Did Arya disguise herself as a White
          Walker so that she could sneak into the Godswood entirely undetected
          and then, when the time was right, slay the head zombie?

          A lot of people are convinced that that was how she slipped in undetected and did her very worst.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          Among other explanations, it's believed that she was noticed.

          There is a moment, right before the Night King is about to kill Bran, when the camera pans to one of the White Walkers stood behind him, who then turns their head to the side.

          It's a minuscule detail – if you weren't paying attention you could very easily have missed it – and some might argue that it was entirely insignificant. But then again, is anything on GoT done without significant reason? [...]

          There's every chance that the other White Walker, by moving his head, had picked up on Arya's presence. But by then it was too late. She was already mid-air and the Night King had turned around to face her and finally meet his maker.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          So, in conclusion there are various different possible explanations.

          share|improve this answer

          • 2

            I like the theory and would applaud it, but for me there would need to be an explanation as to how she removed the face from a being that would have smashed in to ice the instant it was killed as (all?) other white walkers have done?

            – Lamar Latrell
            6 hours ago

          • Seeing as how the Wight's eyes are clouded over, for the ones that still have any eyes at all, I don't think a largely visual disguise would make them think she's dead.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago



          One of the most popular theories going around right now is that she disguised herself as a walker to get close.
          Arya didnt jump over a ton of white walkers. she was wearing the face of one, hence melissandre: "Brown eyes, green eyes, BLUE EYES"#NotToday

          This does seem like a plausible explanation.

          We know that Arya's training under the guidance of her former mentor, assassin Jaqen H'ghar, taught her how to successfully wear the faces
          of others, enabling her to get into places that she couldn't if she
          looked like herself.

          So, is that what happened there? Did Arya disguise herself as a White
          Walker so that she could sneak into the Godswood entirely undetected
          and then, when the time was right, slay the head zombie?

          A lot of people are convinced that that was how she slipped in undetected and did her very worst.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          Among other explanations, it's believed that she was noticed.

          There is a moment, right before the Night King is about to kill Bran, when the camera pans to one of the White Walkers stood behind him, who then turns their head to the side.

          It's a minuscule detail – if you weren't paying attention you could very easily have missed it – and some might argue that it was entirely insignificant. But then again, is anything on GoT done without significant reason? [...]

          There's every chance that the other White Walker, by moving his head, had picked up on Arya's presence. But by then it was too late. She was already mid-air and the Night King had turned around to face her and finally meet his maker.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          So, in conclusion there are various different possible explanations.

          share|improve this answer

          • 2

            I like the theory and would applaud it, but for me there would need to be an explanation as to how she removed the face from a being that would have smashed in to ice the instant it was killed as (all?) other white walkers have done?

            – Lamar Latrell
            6 hours ago

          • Seeing as how the Wight's eyes are clouded over, for the ones that still have any eyes at all, I don't think a largely visual disguise would make them think she's dead.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago





          One of the most popular theories going around right now is that she disguised herself as a walker to get close.
          Arya didnt jump over a ton of white walkers. she was wearing the face of one, hence melissandre: "Brown eyes, green eyes, BLUE EYES"#NotToday

          This does seem like a plausible explanation.

          We know that Arya's training under the guidance of her former mentor, assassin Jaqen H'ghar, taught her how to successfully wear the faces
          of others, enabling her to get into places that she couldn't if she
          looked like herself.

          So, is that what happened there? Did Arya disguise herself as a White
          Walker so that she could sneak into the Godswood entirely undetected
          and then, when the time was right, slay the head zombie?

          A lot of people are convinced that that was how she slipped in undetected and did her very worst.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          Among other explanations, it's believed that she was noticed.

          There is a moment, right before the Night King is about to kill Bran, when the camera pans to one of the White Walkers stood behind him, who then turns their head to the side.

          It's a minuscule detail – if you weren't paying attention you could very easily have missed it – and some might argue that it was entirely insignificant. But then again, is anything on GoT done without significant reason? [...]

          There's every chance that the other White Walker, by moving his head, had picked up on Arya's presence. But by then it was too late. She was already mid-air and the Night King had turned around to face her and finally meet his maker.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          So, in conclusion there are various different possible explanations.

          share|improve this answer


          One of the most popular theories going around right now is that she disguised herself as a walker to get close.
          Arya didnt jump over a ton of white walkers. she was wearing the face of one, hence melissandre: "Brown eyes, green eyes, BLUE EYES"#NotToday

          This does seem like a plausible explanation.

          We know that Arya's training under the guidance of her former mentor, assassin Jaqen H'ghar, taught her how to successfully wear the faces
          of others, enabling her to get into places that she couldn't if she
          looked like herself.

          So, is that what happened there? Did Arya disguise herself as a White
          Walker so that she could sneak into the Godswood entirely undetected
          and then, when the time was right, slay the head zombie?

          A lot of people are convinced that that was how she slipped in undetected and did her very worst.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          Among other explanations, it's believed that she was noticed.

          There is a moment, right before the Night King is about to kill Bran, when the camera pans to one of the White Walkers stood behind him, who then turns their head to the side.

          It's a minuscule detail – if you weren't paying attention you could very easily have missed it – and some might argue that it was entirely insignificant. But then again, is anything on GoT done without significant reason? [...]

          There's every chance that the other White Walker, by moving his head, had picked up on Arya's presence. But by then it was too late. She was already mid-air and the Night King had turned around to face her and finally meet his maker.

          Is this how that dramatic Game of Thrones moment really happened? - DigitalSpy

          So, in conclusion there are various different possible explanations.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 7 hours ago




          answered 8 hours ago




          • 2

            I like the theory and would applaud it, but for me there would need to be an explanation as to how she removed the face from a being that would have smashed in to ice the instant it was killed as (all?) other white walkers have done?

            – Lamar Latrell
            6 hours ago

          • Seeing as how the Wight's eyes are clouded over, for the ones that still have any eyes at all, I don't think a largely visual disguise would make them think she's dead.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago

          • 2

            I like the theory and would applaud it, but for me there would need to be an explanation as to how she removed the face from a being that would have smashed in to ice the instant it was killed as (all?) other white walkers have done?

            – Lamar Latrell
            6 hours ago

          • Seeing as how the Wight's eyes are clouded over, for the ones that still have any eyes at all, I don't think a largely visual disguise would make them think she's dead.

            – PoloHoleSet
            1 hour ago



          I like the theory and would applaud it, but for me there would need to be an explanation as to how she removed the face from a being that would have smashed in to ice the instant it was killed as (all?) other white walkers have done?

          – Lamar Latrell
          6 hours ago

          I like the theory and would applaud it, but for me there would need to be an explanation as to how she removed the face from a being that would have smashed in to ice the instant it was killed as (all?) other white walkers have done?

          – Lamar Latrell
          6 hours ago

          Seeing as how the Wight's eyes are clouded over, for the ones that still have any eyes at all, I don't think a largely visual disguise would make them think she's dead.

          – PoloHoleSet
          1 hour ago

          Seeing as how the Wight's eyes are clouded over, for the ones that still have any eyes at all, I don't think a largely visual disguise would make them think she's dead.

          – PoloHoleSet
          1 hour ago


          The sneak attack was merely a diversion--presumably Arya and Melisandre know one can't sneak up on the Night King.

          Strategically, it was a feint, allowing her to get close enough to the Night Kind to kill him. The way the shot the knife dropping from her hand while she is being choked strongly implied she was losing consciousness or dying, only to have it revealed as a stratagem.

          This was foreshadowed by Lyanna Mormont's killing of the undead giant earlier in the episode.

          The producers may not have considered it strictly necessary to show how Arya got positioned for the sneak attack since it was merely a narrative device. The more meaningful aspect is that Theon's self-sacrifice bought her them all time.

          share|improve this answer

          • I'd say it was more foreshadowed when she did that exact move (drop the dagger to the other hand) when she first trained/sparred with Brianne of Tarth.

            – PoloHoleSet
            37 mins ago


          The sneak attack was merely a diversion--presumably Arya and Melisandre know one can't sneak up on the Night King.

          Strategically, it was a feint, allowing her to get close enough to the Night Kind to kill him. The way the shot the knife dropping from her hand while she is being choked strongly implied she was losing consciousness or dying, only to have it revealed as a stratagem.

          This was foreshadowed by Lyanna Mormont's killing of the undead giant earlier in the episode.

          The producers may not have considered it strictly necessary to show how Arya got positioned for the sneak attack since it was merely a narrative device. The more meaningful aspect is that Theon's self-sacrifice bought her them all time.

          share|improve this answer

          • I'd say it was more foreshadowed when she did that exact move (drop the dagger to the other hand) when she first trained/sparred with Brianne of Tarth.

            – PoloHoleSet
            37 mins ago




          The sneak attack was merely a diversion--presumably Arya and Melisandre know one can't sneak up on the Night King.

          Strategically, it was a feint, allowing her to get close enough to the Night Kind to kill him. The way the shot the knife dropping from her hand while she is being choked strongly implied she was losing consciousness or dying, only to have it revealed as a stratagem.

          This was foreshadowed by Lyanna Mormont's killing of the undead giant earlier in the episode.

          The producers may not have considered it strictly necessary to show how Arya got positioned for the sneak attack since it was merely a narrative device. The more meaningful aspect is that Theon's self-sacrifice bought her them all time.

          share|improve this answer

          The sneak attack was merely a diversion--presumably Arya and Melisandre know one can't sneak up on the Night King.

          Strategically, it was a feint, allowing her to get close enough to the Night Kind to kill him. The way the shot the knife dropping from her hand while she is being choked strongly implied she was losing consciousness or dying, only to have it revealed as a stratagem.

          This was foreshadowed by Lyanna Mormont's killing of the undead giant earlier in the episode.

          The producers may not have considered it strictly necessary to show how Arya got positioned for the sneak attack since it was merely a narrative device. The more meaningful aspect is that Theon's self-sacrifice bought her them all time.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 3 hours ago

          answered 3 hours ago




          • I'd say it was more foreshadowed when she did that exact move (drop the dagger to the other hand) when she first trained/sparred with Brianne of Tarth.

            – PoloHoleSet
            37 mins ago

          • I'd say it was more foreshadowed when she did that exact move (drop the dagger to the other hand) when she first trained/sparred with Brianne of Tarth.

            – PoloHoleSet
            37 mins ago

          I'd say it was more foreshadowed when she did that exact move (drop the dagger to the other hand) when she first trained/sparred with Brianne of Tarth.

          – PoloHoleSet
          37 mins ago

          I'd say it was more foreshadowed when she did that exact move (drop the dagger to the other hand) when she first trained/sparred with Brianne of Tarth.

          – PoloHoleSet
          37 mins ago

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